Maerea Tajeru
According to the Tehenu or Libyan Palette,the first Egyptian settlement upon the western Nile Delta of Maerea consisted of 7-10 Nomes. TaJeru being the name for the Delta Nile. Today our modern scholars call this Merimda Beni Salama,a major Pre-dynastic settlement of the western Delta,about 50 kilometres north-west of Cairo.
The 7 nomes visible on the Tehenu Palette consisted of;
top left to right; #5 Calypso Goddess,#1 or #2 Twins,#7 Stork,#8 Owl (All appear as Beloved of Amen)
bottom left to right; #3 Double Falcon Papyrus plant, #3 Scorpion Temple or Breadloaf, #3 Lion Risen Arms

The district of Maerea included Alexandria,Sais,Buto,Naucratis,Imu (kom-el-Hisn),Hwt-Ihyt (foremost household),Prosopotis,Memphis (Mennefer),Tanta,Al Mansura,the Fayum and Saqqara.
"The earliest known Neolithic settlement in either the Nile Valley or Delta is that of Merimda on the western Delta margin of the desert, whose beginnings date from between c. 5 000 - 4 800 BC and are represented in the basal layers of the 180,000 sq.mile site. The site,with a 2 metre cultural deposit,is situated on a low rise above the modern floodplain,thereby overlooking the Delta floodplain and is set against low hills of a sandy Pleistocene 60 metre terrace." (Tour Egypt Monthly, Vol II,#3,March 1st,2001)
The districts of Maerea remained populated for about one thousand years until about 4000.bC.During this phase pottery was being made,often with quite sophisticated designs ( a fine polished red wear with blackened tops).
Kom el-Hisn is at the edge of the Delta and west of the city Tanta,about 12km south of Kom Gi’eif (Naukratis). Here a large mound covers an ancient town probably called Imu (Jamu). From the New Kingdom onwards,this was the capital of the 3rd Lower Egyptian Nome, known as the ‘Libyan or Western Nome of Maerea’. The town of Imu is mentioned in numerous ancient texts and replaced an earlier and important provincial capital in the region called Hwt-Ihyt(foremost household),whose location has not yet been discovered and is known to date back to Dynasty I.
The site of Kom el Hisn was visited by Petrie in 1884 and surveyed by F Llewellyn Griffith in 1885. The monuments were later mentioned by Georges Daressy and excavated during the 1940s by Egyptian archaeologists, A Hamada, M el-Amir and S Farid. When F Llewellyn Griffith visited Kom el-Hisn, most of the mound was still extant with visible mud brick fortressed walls averaging 350 feet by 200 feet and the foundation of a pylon.The town of Imu was occupied at least from the Old Kingdom and mentioned in texts since the Fifth Dynasty. The main part of the mound is now covered by the ruins of a temple built by Senwosret I (Sesostris) of the 12th Dynasty.
Critical evaluation,tree ring calibration and statistical analysis of 95 radiocarbon dates of predynastic sites in Lower and Upper Egypt provide average estimates;
Lower Egypt Delta
Early Merimdean Fayum Neolithic 5200-4500.bC
Late Mirimdean Fayum Neolithic 4500-4000.bC
Upper Egypt
Badarian Neolithic 4400-4000.bC
Early Naqada 3750.bC
Hierakonpolis 3550.bC
Late Naqada 3450.bC
African Archaeological Review Vol.3 #1,95-115
Radicarbon chronology of Neolithic and Predynastic sites in Upper Egypt and the Delta
Fekri A.Hassan
Let us take into consideration my theory of the Royal City of Atlantis being built at Josephine Seamount ca.5128.bC from my interpretation of the nine thousand years by a 2.45 divisional factor of recorded successive generations for Atlantis as preserved by Plato ca.360.bC from Solon ca.570.bC.
Evermore we realize from Radio Carbon dating and geologist reports that Lower Egypt thrived prior to Upper Egypt of which most likely became settled as the Tasian cultures of Maerea. TA meaning Earth,Land,Terra or Tara alike Tajeru or Atlantis as the "Foremost of God JA MN's Island of Earth or HAt.ta.Ntr.Iw."
Where Atlas or HAt.Ja meant "Foremost Ruler or King of JA's Lands".
Alike the Red,White and Black stones common for Atlantis,we notice that "sophisticated" red and black topped pottery was a common footprint of Maerea and also having been settled around the apex of our Royal City of Atlantis. As provenanced,Khenti-Amenti Rosetau or Foremost of the Western Island of Atlantis was not only recorded in the Egyptian story of the Sun's Journey for the Am-Duat, but also according to the Field Measures of the Am-Duat,pointing precisely to the Atlantis Royal City at Rosetau Josephine some 500 miles before the Straits of Gibraltar and exactly as Plato preserved. To further provenance this very fact, Atlantis Rosetau was mirrored exactly alike at Maerea Saqqara as evident by the Am-Duat's picture of usurper Sokar the horus follower and not of Amen's Falcon. This picture portrays the Tatenen primordial mound of Atlantis mounted by the head of Calypso (Cleito) looking Eastward and surrounded by an oval rectangular Canal that was bordered by two Lions (Maia). The Atlantean Twin Pyramids,the Great and The Red also bordering the Canal while the collossal statues known as Memnon,would have been centered at the Canal to Greet the Sun in Saqqara Rosetau. Evermore,the Sun would journey home to Atlantis Rosetau at Josephine Seamount's Royal City that was exactly as mirrored in Saqqara Rosetau. The evidence clearly seen on my NOAA US NAVY, Google Earth Satellite Atlantic Ocean picture,where we do in fact see 2 pyramids (one toppled) the Oval Canal,the hill of Calypso,concentric rings and the fortressed wall that would have been at the ancient coastline and Rosetau entrance for the Canal to Atlantis Royal City of Evanor.

Paulo Riven
August 07,2010.