Atlantis is Real and found at my location for the Josephine Seamount beyond any doubt,just as our True God JAO MN (AMEN) is revealed!

The Atlantean kings are IN FACT preserved on the Palermo Stone of Egypt!
Evanor______________SCORPION KING?
Cleito______________CALYPSO (COLAYPSAAY-MALTA)
Atlas_______________JAO (Japetos and Clymene)
Autochthon__________TSHETI (SETI)
Elasippus___________DEN (USAFAIS)?
Mestor______________MERBIAP ANENDJIB (MIEBIS)?
Azaes_______________QA'A (KA KA THE BURNT ONE)
JAO TO MENAMEN ARE CONFIRMED ON THE PALERMO STONE.!!! Solon MUST HAVE been looking at this stone with the Egyptian Priest!
It was probably in the Temple of Neit where the Sacred Registers would have been! No wonder Sais disappeared like everything else!
PU,PW,PY or PO is the last visible glyph prior to JAO on the stone. Calypso,Calypsu,Colypsay.
Atlas,Gadeiros,Evaemon and Mneseus are confirmed as in the above list.
Azaes and Diaprepes 99% sure for QA'A and Semsem.
Elasippus and Mestor Questionable characters of suspicion as my Plato code reveals the last 4 as enemies or betrayer Kings that revolted or usurped.
The war occuring with QA'A and the flood disaster happening 9 years after Semsem.
Menes carried on as Mneseus and proven by my Plato Code that Mneseus and Evaemon were the main rulers for their time.
Menes typically is set at 3150.bC plus 885 missing years = 4035.bC
Neitamen is probably Tsheti's daughter remembered as a King bearing Mother. (Seti / Geb)
Menes had to marry Neitamen to unify the two lands of Egypt and carry the Atlantean name of AMEN, our true God JAO MN.
25 year generational guess.
Evanor_____4235.bC__4241.bC Egyptian Calendar.___less 885 years__3350.bC
Qa'a_______3960______Usurper,Narmer KAKA,the burnt one.__________3075________Azaes
Semsem_____3935______Biblical Flood______________________________3050________Diaprepes
Flood______3926.bC_______less 9 years of Semsem's rule.__________3041.bC
2.455 generational conversion factor for the 9000 years. 2.79 was my prior guess between Erodotus and our modern kings lists for Egypt.
2 years being bi-ennial cattle counts or 3 years for Egyptian seasons. So in between is a good guess as 2.455 shows.
If we take the date of 4235 and subtract 440.bC for Erodotus,this gives us 3795 years. Multiply that by 3 seasons and you get 11,385 years.
Erodotus told us some 341-345 wooden statues were counted and that Egypt's records were 11,340 years prior to his time of 440.bC.
His generations being 33.33 or 3 people for every 100 years. I prefer 25 as being more accurate since most men and women have sex by 14 anyway!
3935 - 9 years for Semsem's rule = 3926 for the flood. (noah's 900 years!) Less 885 years = 3041.bC "disguised".
2589.bC_______Last year of Snoferu and Khufu together. JASA (Philitis The Shepherd Murdered Dec.10th,8:08am at 3474.bC.(885 missing years)
Menes from Khufu on king's lists.
23 kings prior on Turin Canon.
27 kings prior by Manetho.
20 kings prior on the Abydoslist.
18 kings prior on modern lists.
Total 88 / 4 = 22 kings average x 25 year generations = 550 years + 2589 khufu = 3139.bC for Menes as accurate for Modern "disguised" lists.
Plus 885 = 4024.bC Actual!!! 3150.bC being common where I am only 11 years away by the kings average.
Plus 63 years of rule for Menes would have ended ca.3961.bC, meaning that Narmer is actually the QA'A or KAKA on the list as his Bull leg and fish hieroglyph reveal in truth of KA KA! That's why there is an apostrophe between QA'A for Ka or KhA. In other words repeat the Q or K as seen by his hieroglyph.
This was the cause for the Atlantean War remembered that would have commenced when Qa'a or kaka narmer took power.
The flood occuring after at 3926.bC actual or 3041 disguised.
So Menes would have been born around 4049.bC! You can still subtract the 885 years to compliment your modern lists of "disguises and errors and subjugations".!!! (+ / - 25 years or one generation is acceptable)
Menes would have been made a King around 6 years of age,that would explain his long reign of 63 years! Compares to the story of Den and Mereneit,where Mereneit had to rule as Queen until Den was old enough. While GaDjer and Djer (Djer and Djet) are in reality before Menes and Den comes after Menes!
That's probably why I had a hard time wondering how he "could be" Elasippus! Den might be a "mole"! Who is Den? The Palermo stone is "conveniently" broken before JAO (Atlas) and after Menes (Mnamen/Mneseus)!!!
I'm guessing that Narmer Qa'a or kaka,may have been Abr-A'Am or AbraHam. So Elassipus (horserulers of the east and mestor and Azaes are suspects alike this Semsem as Diaprepes. Den or Elasippus may have been Sargon or Nimrod of Babylon? Mestor would have to be the same Thoth character of Phoenicia and Egypt.
The list above stands near proximity!
Anyway we know that 885 years was lost at 2589.bC and replaced by "khufu time" and the solar calendars and sun temples.
Both dates being given.
Paulo Riven revised "Fields of Ephron" Chronology.
*885 missing years "modernized" in parenthesis.
6482.bC First Flood, 40 years.*(5597.bC) (Bosphorous straits Black Sea flood 5700.bC)
6442.bC Adam born Second Garden of Creation in Avila,Tansania. Atlantis II.(2516 years from Adam to following flood) (5557.bC)
5957.bc Building of the Tower 525 years after flood. Twin Pyramids of the Great and Red? 1,922 years prior Menes at 4035.bC.(5072.bC)
3926.bC Second Flood(3) of Semsem,Noah,Utnapishtum,Xisuthrus,Egyptian Flood of Hathor.(3041.bC) (3018.5 average of sept/chaldean)
3709.bC Jacob born (2824.bC)
3634.bC Abra'am born (292 years from the 2nd Flood) (2749.bC)
Qa'a: Hotepsekhemwy: Raneb ...c.2890-2686 BCE
3631.bC Rachel gives birth to Joseph. (2746.bC)
.........Rachel gives birth to Benjamin. Rachel dies.
3624.bC..Sara born (2739.bC)
3615.bC Joseph sold to Egyptians at 16 yoa.(2730.bC)
3599.bC This is where Pharaoh Djoser should be.
(Lists place him 5 generations of 15.2yrs ea.prior to khufu's of 2589.bC or 2665.bC for Djoser.(2714.bC)
.........Joseph made Governor of Egypt after revealing 7 year famine dream of Pharaoh
.........and named "savior of the world" by Pharaoh at 30yoa.,
.........Marries Aseneth,daughter of Putiphare,priest of Heliopolis.
.........Joseph has sons Mannases and Ephraim
.........Pharaoh Djoser (2687-2647.bC) 7 year famine and dream. Stele of Sehel. Imhotep,Step Pyramid.
3579.bC Jacob reunites with Joseph in Egypt at 130 yoa.(2694.bC)
3562.bC Jacob blesses his 12 sons and dies at 147 yoa.(2677.bC)
.........Joseph leaves with Chariots and horsemen to bury his father in Ephron's field.(hmmmmm,chariots and horses in Egypt!)
3559.bC Abra'am leaves for Chanaan at 75 yoa.(2674.bC)
3534.bC Isaac born to Sara at 90, Abraham 100 yoa dies.(2649.bC) (not 175!)
3521.bC Joseph dies at 110 yoa.Buried in Fields of Ephron.(2636.bC)
3497.bC Sara dies at 127 yoa. Buried in Fields of Ephron.(2612.bC)
Khufu Time Starts.____________885 years lost_________________>>>>_****
3474.bC Twins Jacob and Esau born to Rebbeca, Isaac 60 yoa....(2589.bC)
.........JASA I (Philitis The Shepherd) murdered Dec.10th,8:08am,3474.bC by Snoferu and Khufu. (2589.bC)
3469.bC God's plagues begin, Wicked Pharaoh Khufu,Temples closed,150 yrs of darkness upon Egypt(Plagues)
.........prophecy of thrice born son not of the blood of Khufu to rule Egypt.
3454.bC Isaac dies at 80 yoa.(2469.bC) (not 180!)
3401.bC Building of the Tower (Great Pyramid "mirrored" and Babbeled). 525 years after second flood.Khufu/Khafre middle Pyramid of Giza.(2516)
3319.bC..Exodus begins 150 years after. 315 years after AbraHam.(add 100 double the 15 = 430) (2434.bC)
3276.bC Tabernacle of the Exodus built 245 yrs after Joseph's death. (2391.bC)
1832.bC Temple of Solomon built 1444 years after the exodus Tabernacle. (947.bC.)
1768. Flood of Ogyges(2)
1628. Santorinini,Thera Flood (1)
1529. Deukalion Thessalian plain flood. (Atlantean Flood 3rd before Deukalion)
Capture of izrael by Nebuchadanazar (620.bC.)
Truth of Atlantis Revealed to Solon at Sais by Amasis II and Uadjahor Resne.(570.bC)
128 Rabbi "bible falsifiers" sinagogue council (444.bC.)
Alexander the Great European Western Revenge on the East and the Phoenician murderers! (335.bC)
Library of Alexandria and the Septuagint Greek Bible being recorded.
72 Rabbi Lies to Greek Pharaoh Ptolomy. cf; Letter of Aristeas.
JASA II (jesus) The Son of God. (5.bC or 0 to our Calendar)
332.AD___Constantine Black Bishops liars for the rabbi liars and betrayal of the west and Christianity!!!
420.aD__Hypatia Murdered, Christians persecuted, Library of Alexandria robbed and ruined for the Library of Pergamon and the Eastern Serpents!!!
"From Adam and 6442.bC to the second flood at 3926.bC: 2516 years; from the second flood to the building of the tower,525 years; from Abraham to the building of the tower 233 years; from Abraham until the start of the Exodus from Egypt, 315 years; from the Exodus to the building of the Temple of Solomon 1,487 years; from the building of the temple to the captivity of Israel 1,212 years.From the captivity to king Alexander 877 years; from Alexander to Jasa The Christ our God's Son, 330 years. Altogether,6482 years from our First Flood to Jasa The Christ.

aulo Riven ^A^. July 26.2010.
So our Re-Creation and Adam being estimated 40 years after 6482.bC from our First flood = 6442.bC for Adam.
Adam to the flood of 3926.bC = 2516 years. (Chaldean = 2242 years).
Samaritans place the flood at 2903.bC,Septuagint placed at 3134.bC. Paulo Riven 3926.bC (3041.bC or after Menes).
3634.bC..Abr-a'a-m born (292 years from the 2nd Flood) (2749.bC)
.........^.-Qa'a-.^....Hotepsekhemwy Raneb ...c.2890-2686 BCE Raneb started the sun worship and goat worship of mendes azazel yom kippur!
I'm willing to bet that AbraHam looked like Narmer KA KA!!!