What this HYPOTHETICAL theory of Atlantis for Egypt, is that Atlas was Pharaoh Menes and Cleito was Neith. In relation to Menes' love of sailing and fishing, he may have given rise to Poseidon for the Mediterranean as in the term of Minoans and also disguised in Plato's list for the Atlantean King MNESEUS.
I suspect this because of my own PLATO CODE for Atlantis and Plato's hidden message of the betrayal of Syracuse, Italy's King Dionysios with the East, who imprisoned Plato ca.360.bC when he wrote the Timaeus and the Critias dialogues. Not only does this reveal a traitor for the politics and secret message of his time, but it also reveals that, as I suspect, MNESEUS was the main King of Atlantean twins and not really Atlas who simply means "Foremost King" as Menes also is for our records of Egypt.
Initially when I began my Atlantis research in 2003, at the onset I suspected that these 10 kings symbolized the Atlantean control for the entire Mediterranean and not what we are told in the Critias. This is reflected by my translations of the Twin Kings and Founders for their meanings, such as Mestor is Mesraim or Egypt. We know this to also be true because originaly, Neith and Athena are Atlantean Libyans (Africans). Ironicaly, Critias means "Hebrew Judges" in latin that compliments the betrayal to that of the real unruly Atlanteans as the Phoenicians just as they still are today at the head of our world financial systems and control, wars,terrorisms, biblical falsifications that include who God himself really is. We also know for a fact by my decoding of the 9 Greek Muses (Secret of Mylo) that not only Hesiod and Herodotus realized and preserved, but that these names in truth tell us about the control of a "Secret Society" since at least 800.bC and common with that of the Phoenician expansions of slaughter and "thou shalt be put to death" for our bloodthirsty god of lies!
This does not mean, that Atlantis did not originate in the Atlantic Ocean as specified and rather obvious for the truth of our First Garden, ie; Atlanteans being "Foremost Earthland People of God's Island", but that as the Narmer Palette testifies to, Egypt became Atlantis all over again as is written upon her grounds and histories. Right after Menes we also find "Twin Kings" of Djer and Djet. DJ meaning of JA who was known as Min, Amen, Amon or Amun and also as I AM and JA of the bible before his disguise. Thus the Egyptians who were the first to say AMEN and where scholars tell you it means "the hidden one", ie our Real God! Jesus also called His Father, AMEN.
Coincidently, Amen is also termed for Amenti or Foremost of the westerner which is the realm of Nun or Neptune, that is...Atlantis as the Am-Duat specificaly points to or Homer's Scheria (Skeria > Seker) or the fact that Homer tells us Atlas's island was in the Atlantic where Calypso resided.
Thus, the first 10 kings of Atlantis preserved are those of Menes and the first dynasty, in memory and honor of the real Atlantean twin kings as the Narmer Palette clearly shows! Further evidence of this is the fact of the Atlantean control and that the war would have been fought in the eastern Mediterranean. When Atlantis sank in the Ocean before the straites, it even destroyed all those within the Mediterranean and the reamaining Greek warriors as written. Hence, the Hathor bull symbolized with the 10 kings on the Narmer Palette. Further evidence we find in the sunken cities off the coast of Alexandria by Frank Goddo and his team or even landbridges like the Tunisian disappearing or the Gulf of Gabes becoming larger from sunken lands. The Cyclades islands and Greece itself changed with more flooded areas.
The vitality of all this must lie in the Foremost Atlantean district of Maerea in likeness of JA MN who would have also been the same God for Atlantis.
I have already shown much evidence that supports Menes along with the Egyptian name of Atlantis and his labels that speak of a mysterious voyage to Hat.ta.Tjeru or Hat.ta.Nt.Tjeru or God's island. There is also a Neptune Trident on the Menes lables, the temple of Neith and a Bull along with Ships.
You can see my research of how the first dynasty kings relate to the 10 twin kings that were preserved around the world, even to that of Deucalion - Deka Leon as 10 lion kings or the 10 lion kings on the Atlantean Etruscan Scepter or even with the biblical kings. Even the Sumerians and Babylonians had 10 kings in likeness of our Atlantean kings, and in all probability, Menes was in fact Oannes.
However the real answer to Atlantis lies in Neptune or Nun or Seker's Realm or Evanor and Leucippe.
Study my PLATO CODE of the founders and 10 kings backwards and hidden in Latin where you'll see as I that Mneseus and Evaemon or Menes and Neith, are the main identities hidden by the simplicity of the complexity.

Atlantis = At-lant (Fatherland, Foremost island, Risen Earth Land, Daughter of Atlas)
Ancient Egyptian TATENEN = Risen Primordial Hill of Creation. Hat-nt-iw; Foremost Island of Neith.
A possible translation may be from an original name for Atlantis as ATATANA > TATENEN > ATLANTIS
Father=Aita (Basque) Patra /Atta (Greek) Pater (Latin) it (Egyptian)
Plato translated Risen as epanateilantos > anateilantos > ateilantos > atilantos > atlantos > atlantis.
We can also relate the old Greek word of ATE as ruined land.
Atlas ( Father's son, Foremost of people, rising son, risen stone, to endure / daring )
Nw Africa =Morocco ,Algeria (Aterians, Azilians,Atalantes
Gadeirus ( Great of Sheep/Shepherd, Great in size, Green body of rivers)
Greek - Eumelus = rich in sheep
Iberia= Basque, Celtic , Portugal, British isles, Hyperborean Europe.
Ampheres (to rest, at both sides) Amphiarus, Taranto > Otranto
Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Tyrrhenia, (Etruscans, Appennines) Malta ( Tarxien > Tarshin )
Evaemon ( fortunate woman ) Athena / Neith
Tunisia, Libya ( Capsians, Qadan, Berbers, Maxyan, Lotophagi ) Lake Tritonis/Athena
Mneseus ( memory of a great warrior, God, Jove )
Crete ( Minos, Amnisus ) Phaesteus and Aghia-Triada = Mesara Plain
Autochthon ( earthborn , native) Phoroneus, Prometheus.
Peleponnesia, Sicyon, Argo, Attica, Thracia, Cyclades, (Hellenic Greece)
Elassipus ( horse riders / rulers )
Anatolia ( Phrygia, Troy, Ionia, Caria, Ephaesus, Ecbatana )
Mestor ( NNE middle. Suitor )
Phoenicia, Syria ( Byblos, Tyre, Sidon )
Azaes (Heat or Ashened one)
Mauretania, Aethiopia ( Azas, Azamor , Alata, GuAlata, Guanches)
Diaprepes (Written Knowledge of God, highly distinguished )
Egypt, Nubia, Sudan, Aethiopia. (AVILA =Africa / Kush)
The Founders
Neptune ( Sea/ Land God, Earth-Shaker, Savior of Ships, Horses ) Cleito’s lover.
Socrates also interpreted Poseidon (Neptune) to mean "without feet" or at feet's end or Chained Feet, meaning that when man came to the lands edge, he could no longer walk further. Coastal shorelines.
Evenor ( primeval firstborn, arrive with strength, vanishing ) Cleito’s Father
Leucippe (Grove of White Poplars, White Horses, Light of Ipse) Cleito’s mother
Cleito (emperor’s favorite, sloping hill) Acropolis hill, Atlantis Royal City.
ATLANTES-of Libyan people
ATLANTICUS-of Mount Atlas
The word Atlantis broken up into syllables Aa-ta-la-na-ta-ia-sa
Re: Basque Translation by Riven
"The main evergreen forest is born a joyous miracle at dawn the abundant
monument increases to unite the future arrival and remain loyal to the secret of creation."
Egypt's well guarded Secret
Atlantean____Egyptian___Egyptian meaning_____Greek meaning
Evanor______Menes____enduring, established____primeval firstborn
Leucippe____Neith_____she of the (white?) waters_white, horses, light of beauty
Cleito_______Tejat(i)___God’s favored, hill______Kings favored, hill
Atlas________Djet_____horus the snake_________Foremost of the people
Gadeiros_____Djer_____Hr Dr, horus who aides___Ga Dr great in sheep, shepherd
Evaemon____MerNeith__beloved of Neith________fortunate woman
Ampheres____Den______horus who strikes (nebty)_at both sides
Mneseus_____Semerkhet_companion of the gods___memory of God
Autochthon___Anendjib__safe of heart___________earthborn
Elasippus_____Qa'a_____extended of arm_________horse rulers
Mestor___Hotepsekhemwy_two powers at peace____nne middle, suitor, advisor
Azaes_______Raneb "lord of the Sun"____________ashened, burnt
Diaprepes___Ninetjer____The One of God_________knowledge of God
The Secret of Mylo and The Books of Herodotus by Riven. 2006.aD. (8488aJA.)
9:05 PM 1/12/2006
Herodotus of Halicarnassus.
Book 1) Clio
Book 2) Euterpe
Book 3) Thalia
Book 4) Melpomene
Book 5) Terpsichore
Book 6) Erato
Book 7) Polymnia
Book 8) Urania
Book 9) Calliope
Book 10) Where is it? Someone has it.
Herodotus was writing in the era of memory of the 10 Kings (after 1500.bC,Deukalion), and he definitely was not writing about the Ennead....
Please return the book to us, It belongs to Man and Woman.
You can no longer hide the lies.
The Secret of the Books of Herodotus by Riven.
Epo- illa- caina- rua- in- mylo- potare- ero- h(ae)cis- pretene- moplema (Mopsus)- ila- hete- pretueo.
Epic by that way fallen (Vulcan?) to waste/sorrow into this MYLO > Mysian/ drunken wanderer with his faults, to lie before the Oracle broken Secret Society greatly prized here.
Translated with Cassell's New Latin Dictionary, 1959 edition....from Ja.
By SaJaRa Riven Jan 12,2006.aD (8488aJA.)
RETURN THE 10TH BOOK OF MYLO....Please, it is a piece of our History, along with the Books of Alexandria....Thankyou.
Strangely enough, I also encountered a hidden message of the Politics in the time of Plato while he was imprisoned in Syracuse by the Traitor Dionysios around 360.bC when Plato also penned the Timaeus and Critias. The Critias is the inflated version of the Timaeus that goes into detail about Atlantis and reveals to us the Greek names for the founders and 10 kings of Atlantis. As I did above for Herodotus, we can also write the Atlantean names in order and turn them around to reveal another secret message in Latin!
The Secret of The 10 Atlantean Kings names from Plato’s Critias written 360.bC, (Critias = Latin = Hebrew Judges)
Latin Boustrephodon (backwards)
A 2,367 year old secret revealed from Paulo Riven.
Oftenly their ruler at his leisure would steal secretly to the Salentini secret society at the south east end of Italy with a band of brothers of the Macedonian army, while you were accustomed to your memory, towards evening in a galley with seven banks of oars.
The Marsians (tall male Germanic Scythians) and Dacians (lower Danube) , went to where the high altar's fire is lit by the Boeotian women, the muses of Aonia near mount Helicon and the spring of Aganippe, the resort of the muses by the river Cephisus in Boeotia to compose by candlelight in the evening. - Paulo J.Tx.Mn (Riven) 2007.aD. (8489.aJA).
Translating the message of The Kings Names in relation to the Helicon Muses and the hidden meaning of the names;
Evanor - The Ruler
Leucippe - The General
Cleito - The meeting Hill of The Helicon Muses
Atlas - near a tall mountain - Helikon
Gadeiros - by the throat of a river - Cepphisus
Ampheres - on one side of the river (WEST - Griffin Cultures / Cobra)
Evaemon - Cyrene Libyan Greeks and Iberrio Celtic Etruscans (Africa and Europe)
Mneseus - Atlantean Minoan Lord of The Mediterranean and Delta Nile (ref:Atlantis)
Autochthon - who are indegenious to these lands (Europe and Africa)
Elasippus - fought the horse riders on the other side of the river (EAST - Serpent Cultures / Vulture)
Mestor - the Persian Phoenicians Sumerians and Egyptians
Azaes - the Nubians and Arabians
Diaprepes - and the Aethiopians and India (Secrets of Tanzania / JA)
As you can see from the above translation, not only do we learn a secret about the politics in Plato's era, but we are also being told that Mneseus appears as the main Atlantean King.
Deukalion-Apollo-Maia > aiaM-ollopA-noilakueD >
As I Am Olla Para Nosa Illa que e de > As I Am Look To The Island I Gave You = Atlantis.

After All I Am an Atlantean MneSeuS and Son of JA MN.
We are All Atlantean. Foremost Earthland People of God's Island!
To Know Is Immortal
Lux of Ipse
AeJor Mn
Paulo Riven
Sword of Avila
King of the Double Falcons
Opener of the Ways
Obsidian Dragon Slayer
Waterer of The Garden of Avila
The Argo Wind
White Dragon King
Saturday, July 03/2010 6:53.pm (8492.aJA)