Atlantis revealed in ivory label of King Menes!
The story about Urani is based on L.A.Waddells interpretation of an ivory label from a tomb of Menes in Abydos. Waddell’s thesis is that Menes was the son of Sargon the Great and Narmer the son of Menes and that the Egyptians came from Sumeria.
This was published around 1930.
Waddell interprets the forepart of a lion as "the western lands", which would seem logical since Africa is the lions land and west of Sumeria, but not actually as Waddell relates for his Sumerian preference, which in Egyptian actually means "front" or "foremost".
The Aha 1 label in Francesco Raphaels website shows the lion in front of a bird over a sideways u shaped rope with loops on the ends over a stair.
The bird can be “a”(hawk or falcon) or “w”(chick) or “ur” as a swallow.
The rope is Th or Tj.
The stair may be rw since rwd is a stairway in Egyptian.
HAt - (a or w or ur)- tj-rw
rwd = stairway
The bird as drawn is unlikely to be a chick so we'll rule out the w.
This should then spell something like;
HAt a Tj rw, HAt a Th rw, or HAt ur Tj rw and HAt ur Th rw
So we have words like hatatejaru, hatatheru, haturtejaru and haturtheru in Aha 1's label.
The Urani story, comes from the Aha 3 label in Francesco's website which now shows a Lion, an x in a balloon shape, and the rope over the stair.
x in a balloon should be the same as the x in a circle for city or niwt in Egyptian.
Then we would have; HAt niwt tj rw, HAt niwt th rw .
(Could also just be HAt NT tj/th rw or HAt NT ti/y ru- hatnttiru, hatnttyru)

Aha 3 would be hatniwttejaru, hatniwttheru or hatnttejaru, hatnttheru.
The rw for stair we could even compare to iw for island and perhaps as uru, eru or aru as phonetic terms for island also.
To write HAt in Greek or English we would start with AT as they did for Athribis.
At a nt tj iw - At a nt ti is
That would mean that those labels are referring to the island of Atlantis!
How close is all this to my suggestion of HAt ta nt iw or HAt ta ntr iw for Atlantis? Quite remarkable I'd say.
part of Waddells translation;
tianu mad shu du gun u ra ni i ki ur e
of the western lands, he built a holding(possession) at Urani land, at the Lake of the Peak.
(waddell interprets the forefront lion as Tianu or Tianu Mad shu -The western lands)
the symbol for niwt or city in Egyptian he translates as Uranii.
Waddell states that in sumerian ur,uru = dog and uhr in egyptian.
I found Tsm = dog (tjsm or thsm) in Egyptian.
Waddell also thinks that Urani is Erin or Ireland and he equates his research with the Norse Edda myth and that Menes sailed to Cornwall England for Tin and died at Knock Many or Hill of Many in ireland, from a wasp sting.
He also equates the sumerian term "gut" with Goth, which I believe simply means "Great" as in semitic GD for Great also.
There is also a possibility that since this voyage was to the extreme western lands, that the lake of the peak could also refer to Mt Atlas and Lake Tritonis or maybe even the Azores islands with Mt.Pico.
Waddell thought the Sumerians settled Egypt, I think the Egyptians settled Sumeria
And Menes was Oannes the Manfish “sailor” who appeared to them.
My aforesaid statement;
king Den also opened a lake and named it Swt-NTjerw
- which is also close to HAt NT iw.
This seems to be the underlying truth that Hat NT Tj rw is the correct term for the Aha3 label as I suggested above. Perhaps Swt-Ntjerw is a mistranslation for the name of the lake commemorated by King Den for the iland of Atlantis as Hat-Nt tjerw. It also seems to confirm that the stair is rw.
Although we would spell it Atantis and the Greeks would say Atlantis.
So we have Hat Nt tj rw in label 3 and Hat ta tj rw in label 1.
"Foremost City of Tajeru" - label 3
"Foremost earth of Tajeru" - label 1
"Foremost city of Ja's island
"Foremost earth of Ja's island
tj = te JA or of JA or of God.
HAt ta nTr iw- Foremost Earth of God's Island.
T or Tn or Tw = You / yours in Egyptian
J or JA is God.
Evermore, the name of Atlantis is a disguise of the city as HAt-nt-tjeru.
Where the city would then be Tajaru.
Earth of God's island or Kingdom
(rw- rau/ra - Tajara)
The Greeks would see it as the island of Atanti since the J was an I to them!
I believe I have found the name of Atlantis and the "hidden" Royal City in Egyptian records of the first dynasty of Pharaoh Menes.
Paulo Riven
Oct 21,8491.aJA