The Second Garden of Creation-Olkarien Gorge Tansania
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Author:  Socrates [ Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  The Second Garden of Creation-Olkarien Gorge Tansania

The Olkarien Gorge next to the Ngorongora Crater and the Serengetti plain, is my location for our second garden of creation that I call the Garden of Avila. Avila, I believe to have been an ancient name for Africa due to the letters V and L interchanging with F and k or ch / x. In my website you'll find the mysterious page of our Garden of Edem as written in the Septuagint bible. Eve in the Septuagint was named Life and carbuncle and emeralds mentioned rather than Onyx and Bdellium stone.

The Garden of it's own accord reveals many secrets comparable to the bible and Egyptian mythology, including the Secret of The Eye of Ra.

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