Evidence for Worldwide Floods |
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Author: | Paulo Riven [ Mon Jul 05, 2010 6:32 pm ] |
Post subject: | Evidence for Worldwide Floods |
The World back then was the Mediterranean surrounded by Oceanus where Atlantis was. They did not flood the fields in Egypt with Beer that Hathor and Sekhmet lapped up (mixed with blood of their slaughter > great disaster > Eye of Ra > satan. To understand this, read what the Egyptian Priest told Solon about Phaeton. In other words myths are disguises of a truth. Evidence for Atlantis sinking and the “worldwide” flood ca.3253.bC One of our key clues to this date comes from The Holy Bible's account of Noah's flood where the Sumerian city of Ur is reported as being the first city after the flood. Archaeologically, this tells us that this flood must have been prior to 3000.bC and not around 2350.bC as Biblical or Hebrew Masoretic theosophists report. When we truly realize the vast extent and damage done from the Atlantean Deluge that was also the result of such a large sub-continental island sinking before the Straites of Gibraltar and also obliterating the cultures around the Mediterranean and in Athens as Critias reported, then we can also deduce that the resulting Tsunami also poured into the Red Sea and Euphrates valley flooding the cultures there and giving rise to their flood legends. The cities were also liberated after Atlantis which also points to around 3000.bC because we know Menes unified Egypt around this time. · Atlantean War around 3250.bC · 9000 years converted to generations points around this era of 3500-4500.bC · Turin Canon - 10 missing Kings prior to Menes; 3200-3300.bC (the last 10 Atlantean kings, Double Falcon Era) · Palermo Stone lists kings prior to Menes (the last 10 Atlantean kings, Double Falcon era) · Narmer Palette - 10 Fallen Kings, Double Falcon era; 3200-3500.bC (memorial to the 10 Atlantean kings, the flood, and Atlantis sinking) · Gebel el Arak knife - ivory carved battle scene; 3250.bC (the Atlantean war prior the flood) · Egyptian Tomb 100 map depicting Ships, Horses and a Battle scene ca 3250.bC · Eye of Ra Destruction of Mankind Legend = Hathor worship = Flood; 3250.bC · Greek Cyclades Islands stone map (frying pan) of Atlantis; 2850-3250.bC. · Sumerian Flood legend (Nippur / Gilgamesh ) ca.3000.bC · Aeon and Protogonus, first mortals of Phoenicia ca.3147.bC · Chaldean / Septuagint flood; 3183.bC · Samaritan flood; 2903.bC · Founding of Tyre and Byblos around 3000.bC · Cities of Eridu, Ur, Nippur, Akkad ca 3000.bC · Egypt unified around 3150.bC · Suddenly advanced cultures of Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans and Minoans arise ca.3000.bC Mt. Aetna also erupted around 3200.bC If we add the flood date of 3250.bC to 360 = 3610.bC for the first king Alorus of Babylon. Alexander Polyhistor stated that there were some 86 kings after Xisuthrus to the Medes invasion of Babylon. 86 x 30 = 2580 + 620 = 3200.bC. 622-608 Cyaxares the mede takes Nineveh.(ca.620.bC). 86/3 = 28.67 gen.x 100 = 2867 + 620 = 3487.bC. Some key geological reports around 3250.bC. 3300 Europe, Belgian coast (sea level) 3300 Global, July summer cooling, Soviet Union (cold) 3300 California, Mid Holocene wet (warm, cold) 3300 California, San Francisquito Bay (sea level) 3270 New England, Elm collapse (cold) 3250 Europe, Piora oscillation, Europe (flood) ******* 3250 Europe, Newgrange start (archeology) 3250 Global, Atmospheric methane (cold, warm) 3250 Global, Sulfate in GISP2 (cold) 3250 Global, Stormy weather (flood) 3250 Egypt, Egypt Nile delta (sea level) 3250 New England, Hemlock decline New England (cold) 3250 Florida, Pine bursts (cold) 3250 Peru, Huascaran glacier (cold) 3250 California, Santa Barbara basin off the coast (cold) 3212 Europe, French coastal megaliths (archeology) 3200 Ireland, Cessair (flood myth)******** 3200 Mesopotamia, Tigris-Euphratres (warm, dry) 3200 Missouri', Pomme de Terre River (flood) 3199 Europe, Irish oaks (cold) 3190 Global, Heckla eruption, Iceland (cold) ******(Heckla also erupted ca.6482.bC) 3160 California, Sunnyvale girl (archeology) 3150 Europe, Iceman of the Alps (cold) 3150 Global, Sulphate spike (cold)************ 3150 Greenland, Camp Century, Greenland (cold) 3150 Global, Paleoclimatic flood, global (flood)********** 3150 Turkey, Lake Van Oscillation (flood) ******* 3150 USA, SW, SW US flood peak (flood)******** 3113 Mexico, Mayan recreation (flood myth) ****** 3110 China, Yangtze River (flood) 3100 Europe, Stonehenge (start) (archeology) 3100 Greenland, GISP ice core (warm, cold, warm) 3100 Egypt, Egypt, Unification (archeology) 3100 Nebraska, Republican River, (flood) 3100 California, Sierra cooling (cold) 3100 USA, End of alluvial period (dry, warm) 3100 Boston, Sticks from fish wier (warm, cold, sea level) 3090 Egypt, Egypt, Nile (flood) ******** source; Conclusion; After or during the Atlantean War where the Egyptian priest state Atlantis sinking was the third before Deukalion’s flood. · (3rd) 3253.bC Atlantean Flood, Hathor Flood Egypt, Biblical Flood · · (2nd) 1754.bC Flood of Ogyges (Eusebius, Africanus) · · (1st) 1628.bC Santorini Thera, Mt Aetna Volcanic eruptions, Flood. Zeus, Poseidon and Typhon gods created by Greeks. · · (0) 1529.bC Deukalion's Flood (most likely just the flooding of the Thessalian plain or the earlier Santorini,Thera event ca.1629.bC) Menes was Atlantis revived after the flood as Atlas, whose name he gave his son Djet. The proof is in the Atlantean Pudding…yum, yum…J |
Author: | Paulo Riven [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:57 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Evidence for Worldwide Floods |
Scientists Confirm Historic Massive Flood in Climate Change Feb. 28, 2006 Scientists from NASA and Columbia University, New York, have used computer modeling to successfully reproduce an abrupt climate change that took place 8,200 years ago. At that time, the beginning of the current warm period, climate changes were caused by a massive flood of freshwater into the North Atlantic Ocean. This work is the first to consistently recreate the event by computer modeling, and the first time that the model results have been confirmed by comparison to the climate record, which includes such things as ice core and tree ring data. The study was led by Allegra LeGrande, a graduate student in the department of Earth and Environmental Sciences at Columbia University. The results appeared in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) in January 2006. The group used an atmosphere-ocean coupled climate computer model known as "GISS Model E-R" to simulate the climate impact of a massive freshwater flood into the North Atlantic that happened about 8,200 years ago after the end of the last Ice Age. Retreating glaciers opened a route for two ancient meltwater lakes, known as Agassiz and Ojibway, to suddenly and catastrophically drain from the middle of the North American continent. At approximately the same time, climate records show that the Earth experienced its last abrupt climate shift. Scientists believe that the massive freshwater pulse interfered with the ocean's overturning circulation, which distributes heat around the globe. According to the record of what are known as "climate proxies", average air temperatures apparently fell as much as several degrees in some areas of the Northern Hemisphere. Climate researchers use these proxies, chemical signals locked in minerals and ice bubbles as well as pollen and other biological indicators, as indirect measures of temperature and precipitation patterns in the distant past. Because GISS Model E-R incorporates the response of these proxies in its output, the authors of the PNAS study were able to compare their results directly to the historical record. "The flood we looked at was even larger than anything that could happen today," said LeGrande. "Still, it's important for us to study because the real thing occurred during a period when conditions were not that much different from the present day." The study was funded by NASA, National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship, and the National Science Foundation. Reference LeGrande, A.N., G.A. Schmidt, D.T. Shindell, C.V. Field, R.L. Miller, D.M. Koch, G. Faluvegi, and G. Hoffmann 2006. Consistent simulations of multiple proxy responses to an abrupt climate change event. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 103, 837-842, doi:10.1073pnas.0510095103. Schmidt, G.A., and A.N. LeGrande 2005. The Goldilocks abrupt climate change event. Quaternary Sci. Rev. 24, 1109-1110, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.01.015. Hmmmmmm....let's see, 8200 - 2000 = 6200.bC!!! And what is Paulo Riven's First Flood Theory before this article came out? 6482.bC.!!! Paulo Riven's Second Flood: 3250.bC also backed up by PROOF from Stanford University and the Myths of all tribes! The World back then was the Mediterranean surrounded by Oceanus where Atlantis was. They did not flood the fields in Egypt with Beer that Hathor and Sekhmet lapped up (mixed with blood of their slaughter > great disaster > Eye of Ra > satan. To understand this, read what the Egyptian Priest told Solon about Phaeton. In other words myths are disguises of a truth. Evidence for Atlantis sinking and the “worldwide” flood ca.3253.bC One of our key clues to this date comes from The Holy Bible's account of Noah's flood where the Sumerian city of Ur is reported as being the first city after the flood. Archaeologically, this tells us that this flood must have been prior to 3000.bC and not around 2350.bC as Biblical or Hebrew Masoretic theosophists report. When we truly realize the vast extent and damage done from the Atlantean Deluge that was also the result of such a large sub-continental island sinking before the Straites of Gibraltar and also obliterating the cultures around the Mediterranean and in Athens as Critias reported, then we can also deduce that the resulting Tsunami also poured into the Red Sea and Euphrates valley flooding the cultures there and giving rise to their flood legends. The cities were also liberated after Atlantis which also points to around 3000.bC because we know Menes unified Egypt around this time. · Atlantean War around 3250.bC · 9000 years converted to generations points around this era of 3500-4500.bC · Turin Canon - 10 missing Kings prior to Menes; 3200-3300.bC (the last 10 Atlantean kings, Double Falcon Era) · Palermo Stone lists kings prior to Menes (the last 10 Atlantean kings, Double Falcon era) · Narmer Palette - 10 Fallen Kings, Double Falcon era; 3200-3500.bC (memorial to the 10 Atlantean kings, the flood, and Atlantis sinking) · Gebel el Arak knife - ivory carved battle scene; 3250.bC (the Atlantean war prior the flood) · Egyptian Tomb 100 map depicting Ships, Horses and a Battle scene ca 3250.bC · Eye of Ra Destruction of Mankind Legend = Hathor worship = Flood; 3250.bC · Greek Cyclades Islands stone map (frying pan) of Atlantis; 2850-3250.bC. · Sumerian Flood legend (Nippur / Gilgamesh ) ca.3000.bC · Aeon and Protogonus, first mortals of Phoenicia ca.3147.bC · Chaldean / Septuagint flood; 3183.bC · Samaritan flood; 2903.bC · Founding of Tyre and Byblos around 3000.bC · Cities of Eridu, Ur, Nippur, Akkad ca 3000.bC · Egypt unified around 3150.bC · Suddenly advanced cultures of Egyptians, Sumerians, Mayans and Minoans arise ca.3000.bC Mt. Aetna also erupted around 3200.bC If we add the flood date of 3250.bC to 360 = 3610.bC for the first king Alorus of Babylon. Alexander Polyhistor stated that there were some 86 kings after Xisuthrus to the Medes invasion of Babylon. 86 x 30 = 2580 + 620 = 3200.bC. 622-608 Cyaxares the mede takes Nineveh.(ca.620.bC). 86/3 = 28.67 gen.x 100 = 2867 + 620 = 3487.bC. Some key geological reports around 3250.bC. 3300 Europe, Belgian coast (sea level) 3300 Global, July summer cooling, Soviet Union (cold) 3300 California, Mid Holocene wet (warm, cold) 3300 California, San Francisquito Bay (sea level) 3270 New England, Elm collapse (cold) 3250 Europe, Piora oscillation, Europe (flood) ******* 3250 Europe, Newgrange start (archeology) 3250 Global, Atmospheric methane (cold, warm) 3250 Global, Sulfate in GISP2 (cold) 3250 Global, Stormy weather (flood) 3250 Egypt, Egypt Nile delta (sea level) 3250 New England, Hemlock decline New England (cold) 3250 Florida, Pine bursts (cold) 3250 Peru, Huascaran glacier (cold) 3250 California, Santa Barbara basin off the coast (cold) 3212 Europe, French coastal megaliths (archeology) 3200 Ireland, Cessair (flood myth)******** 3200 Mesopotamia, Tigris-Euphratres (warm, dry) 3200 Missouri', Pomme de Terre River (flood) 3199 Europe, Irish oaks (cold) 3190 Global, Heckla eruption, Iceland (cold) ******(Heckla also erupted ca.6482.bC) 3160 California, Sunnyvale girl (archeology) 3150 Europe, Iceman of the Alps (cold) 3150 Global, Sulphate spike (cold)************ 3150 Greenland, Camp Century, Greenland (cold) 3150 Global, Paleoclimatic flood, global (flood)********** 3150 Turkey, Lake Van Oscillation (flood) ******* 3150 USA, SW, SW US flood peak (flood)******** 3113 Mexico, Mayan recreation (flood myth) ****** 3110 China, Yangtze River (flood) 3100 Europe, Stonehenge (start) (archeology) 3100 Greenland, GISP ice core (warm, cold, warm) 3100 Egypt, Egypt, Unification (archeology) 3100 Nebraska, Republican River, (flood) 3100 California, Sierra cooling (cold) 3100 USA, End of alluvial period (dry, warm) 3100 Boston, Sticks from fish wier (warm, cold, sea level) 3090 Egypt, Egypt, Nile (flood) ******** source; Conclusion; After or during the Atlantean War where the Egyptian priest state Atlantis sinking was the third before Deukalion’s flood. · (3rd) 3253.bC Atlantean Flood, Hathor Flood Egypt, Biblical Flood · · (2nd) 1754.bC Flood of Ogyges (Eusebius, Africanus) · · (1st) 1628.bC Santorini Thera, Mt Aetna Volcanic eruptions, Flood. Zeus, Poseidon and Typhon gods created by Greeks. · · (0) 1529.bC Deukalion's Flood (most likely just the flooding of the Thessalian plain or the earlier Santorini,Thera event ca.1629.bC) Menes was Atlantis revived after the flood as Atlas, whose name he gave his son Djet. The proof is in the Atlantean Pudding…yum, yum…J |
Author: | Paulo Riven [ Tue Jul 13, 2010 7:26 pm ] |
Post subject: | Re: Evidence for Worldwide Floods |
The quake in Chile according to scientists moved our pole axis very,very slightly due to the large movement of landmass underneath! Imagine what the large sub-continental island of Atlantis sinking,the atlantic mar separating and the huge azores gibraltar fracture zone forming would have resulted in for a pole shift? Perhaps why the flood of 6482.bC mainly effected the lands east of the Atlantic as in a shift on our eastern side compatible with northwest vergent folds of seamounts under the Atlantic as reported by BlackWell Synergy studies.(opposite reaction). On average the Atlantic islands are some 125 million years old according to them. This coincides with the Atlantic being 150 million years old according to my calculation of the 2cm per year spread rate of the Atlantic Mar and part of my reasoning why I say our Island of Atlantis was also this old. If not older due to it most likely having separated from Africa and Europe at the straites,thus leaving the large curvature on the Atlantic side of the straites and the 7 mile width of the straites. Basicaly, Atlantis was our old middle Earth or First Garden as viewed in a gondawanaland sense! I proposed this long ago as one of the reasons why Atlantis was destroyed and an assumption that the pyramid Roseline,(or where the shadow of the sun formed or the axis of the world to them when they built the pyramids) changed from north - south to nne by ssw and pointing towards St Tome and Mount Cameroon. A shift of about 90 degrees or half a circle for equilibrium physics,then settling at about 45 degrees. Whether gradual or all at once is uncertain, but the thought is still a curious one! Initialy,this may have been caused due to the Ice Age theory and near the final meltwater stage that focused mainly on the eastern Atlantic side ca.6482.bC. As the NASA Goddard Research study confirmed of a massive global flood ca.6200.bC around my date,where the cooling waters pouring into the Atlantic returned a mass of warm waters up to the North Atlantic in the areas of Greenland and England. This would have added a lot of extra weight,aside of the fact that moving plates or earth crusts below change the pole axis. The bosphorous straits also opened around this time,though dated to 5700.bC where the freshwater Black Sea became salt water. Herodotus also reported that the Egyptians in their 11,340 years of records, told him that.... ...twice the sun rose from where it set and twice it set from where it rose....... ......6482.bC......and........3250.bc? Both destructions of Atlantis I and II(Avila)and both Global Flooding dates backed and PROVEN by Scientific data aside of the myths,as I have reported or is visible in my website. Generally as this picture shows that would have to be tilted to the right to set North verticaly.The line divides the shadow of the Sun on the pyramid in conjunction with it's northeast and south west corners. ![]() |
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