Welcome Gentlemen to Atlas' Royal Baths!
You can feel secure and comfortable here discussing your topics of interest. I have also disabled web bots from reading our private sections from internet info spies as well. However, remember that nothing really is secure on these machines or the internet.
We can only prevent them so far since they own the codes or back doors or the troublesome hackers, crackers and what have you.
Well the biggest game of the World Cup Soccer kicks off tomorrow between the battle of the Atlanteans!

Christian Ronaldo's Portugal versus their cousins, the worlds best, Brazil.
It should be a great match!
This year the world cup first round started off with many surprises as favored teams didn't fare so well.
Greece got elimated by Argentina (I don't blame them,Argentina is a strong team) while the troubled Atlantean Italians were eliminated by Slovakia. Greece's coach also resigned and I don't think there is much hope for France either.
Germany has always been a strong team, but they are struggling also.
Enjoy these private and relaxing baths guys and remember don't tell your wives, mistresses, or lovers your password!
Sincerely Paulo Riven.