Well,it looks like Zahi Hawass or should I say KHAwass and Egypt's lies are up the Nile without a paddle!!!
I examined and corrected the entire Face side of the Palermo stone that reveals some startling and shocking FACTS!
Not only does the Palermo stone in fact reflect the first 6 Atlantean Kings but also tells us of a Voyage to Khenti-Amenti-Rosetau Atlantis as it was also mirrored in Lower Egypt at Saqqara!!! Evermore, I found evidence of my "psychic" and "astral" ascertation that JASA or the Previous Son of Man known as Philitis The Shepherd was in fact murdered by Snoferu in The Temple of Fire as my pictures show! Djoser being a name so they could remember where JOSE or JASA was in the record for their satanic rituals of Murdering the Son of God AMEN!!! (also known as JOSEPH)
We also learn of how Upper Egypt and the KHAKA kings of Narmer Ranubkha took over and subjugated AMEN,MENESES and NEITAMEN.
The Twin sons born to MENES and NEIT being Djeta and Djetaii.(ita and iti) Probably named from their Great Grandfather GdJerii or Gadeiros!
IAU or JAO,the first Twin King of course being also Atlas aside of our True God JAO MN. JAO MN with the Falcon with the Orb above His Head was altered into RA and they added the Ankh to his seated God Glyph. Originaly the Ankh as a meaning for "Life" looked like a human with two legs. It was split at the bottom as you'll notice on the Stone.
Wait till you see this! The Stone of Truth!
Told you Atlantis was Real and exists at my Josephine Location! I don't doubt that the powers that be already knew this!