But don't speak to soon,
cause the wheel 's still in spin.
There's no way telling who
that it's namin' -
just that the loosers now
will later to win -
as the times still are a-changin'...
All the money in the world won't matter much as these times changes.
At the bottom of rock the only thing that will help us through the nigths will be our cultural set of values.
Social values that is, like 'morale'.
Morale as in ethics, spirituality, consideration, creativity. Like in altrusim and/or spir-ence...
To people with a bad counsciousness it takes an effort to show that social stamina, honesty, loyalty and morale.
To people with a broken counsciousness it is very hard to mobilize that morale and get along, at all.
To people with an errased counsciousness it is not possible to show morale - since they don't know the difference anymore.
Moreover, they do not NEED to show morale - which makes life all the more 'easy', in social, political and philosophical terms. The're no position better than the ones with NO real, substantial and continous responsibility attached.
All mammals have morale, to various extents.
Primitive reptiles though, they don't need morale, since they do not need others. Except for food.
Whatever moves their way they consider a potential meal.
Luckily the nature tends to care for them
as long as they can fit with evolution.
Lucky for them - since they do not have the brains to comprehend social patterns, laws and ethics - or the comon sense of collaborating, communicating and co-existing - to exist. "So why me worry...?!"
I guess what you refere to - due to this Icke? - is a parabel of how we humans can use our specific, human counsciousness ("matematical brain" (neo-cortex)) - to transcend our mammalian brain and operate directly from our reptilian brain.
This is the small nut on top of the spine - where the anachronism of our reptilian past still exist - to make our bodies and its functions run intact. From this state of counsciousness we may even learn to like to regress to the reptilian level of action. Much like the shell-covered insects with a lethal stinge we may enjoy the adrenaline rush of running into battlefields to endavour, seize, approach and 'eliminate'. We don't need the ufo/disinfo to explain that.
We just need to know that the reptilians is a branch of evolution - by the ways and laws of nature. In the other branch of terrestial life - in the mammalian societies you'll never see anything like that reptilian behaviour. Except from ours. God must be highly embarrased that he supplied humankind with the freedom of will - seeing that we've been willing to retard and make those kind of choices for four millenias already...