These are my notes;
The majority of Dogon practice an animist religion, including the ancestral spirit Nommo, with its festivals and a mythology in which Sirius plays an important part.
Because of the word sewa is so commonly repeated throughout a Dogon village, neighboring peoples have dubbed the Dogon the sewa people.
The Hogon is the spiritual leader of the village after his initiation, he will wear a red bonnet. The Dogon believe the sacred snake Lébé comes during the night to clean him and to transfer wisdom.
In Dogon thought, male and females are thought to be born with both sexual components. The foreskin is considered female, while the clitoris is considered to be male.[11] Rites of circumcision thus allow each sex to assume its proper physical identity. Boys are circumcised in age groups of three years, counting for example all boys between 9 and 12 years old. This marks the end of their youth, and they are now initiated. The blacksmith performs the circumcision
The Amma cult: worships the highest creator god Amma. The celebration is once a year and consists of offering boiled millet on the conical altar of Amma, colouring it white. All other cults are directed to the god Amma.
Sigui: the most important ceremony of the Dogon. It takes place every 60 years and can take several years. The last one started in 1967 and ended in 1973, the next one will start in 2027. The Sigui ceremony symbolises the death of the first ancestor (not to be confused with Lébé) till the moment that humanity acquired the use of the spoken word. The Sigui is a long procession that starts and ends in the village of Youga Dogorou and goes from one village to the other during several months or years. All men wear masks and dance in long processions. The Sigui has a secret language, Sigui So, that women are not allowed to learn. The secret Society of Sigui plays a central role in the ceremony. They prepare the ceremonies a long time in advance, and they live for three months hidden outside of the villages while nobody is allowed to see them. The men from the Society of Sigui are called the Olubaru. The villagers are afraid of them and fear is cultivated by a prohibition to go out at night, when sounds warn that the Olubaru are out. The most important mask that plays a major role in the Sigui rituals is the Great Mask or the Mother of Masks. It is several meters long and is just held up by hand and not used to hide a face. This mask is newly created every 60 years.
The Lébé cult: worships the ancestor Lébé Serou, the first mortal human being, who, in Dogon myth, was transformed into a snake. The celebration takes place once a year and lasts for three days. The altar is a pointed conic structure on which the Hogon offers boiled millet while mentioning in his benediction eight grains plus one.
The most ancient dialects being dyamsay and tombo, the former being most frequently used for traditional prayers and ritual chants. The Dogon language family is internally highly diverse, and many varieties are not mutually intelligible, actually amounting to some 12 dialects and 50 sub-dialects. There is also a secret ritual language sigi sǫ (language of Sigi), which is taught to dignitaries (olubarū) of the Society of the Masks during their enthronement at the Sigui ceremony.[13].[14], Women have no right to learn Sigui So
They have been linked to the Mande subfamily but also to Gur.
Dogon and Sirius
Certain researchers investigating the Dogon have reported that they seem to possess advanced astronomical knowledge, the nature and source of which has subsequently become embroiled in controversy. From 1931 to 1956 the French anthropologist Marcel Griaule studied the Dogon. This included field missions ranging from several days to two months in 1931, 1935, 1937 and 1938[16] and then annually from 1946 until 1956.[17] In late 1946 Griaule spent a consecutive thirty-three days in conversations with the Dogon wiseman Ogotemmêli, the source of much of Griaule and Dieterlen's future publications.[18] They reported that the Dogon believe that the brightest star in the sky, Sirius (sigi tolo or 'star of the Sigui'[19]), has two companion stars, pō tolo (the Digitaria star), and ęmmę ya tolo, (the female Sorghum star), respectively the first and second companions of Sirius A.[20] Sirius, in the Dogon system, formed one of the foci for the orbit of a tiny star, the companionate Digitaria star. When Digitaria is closest to Sirius, that star brightens: when it is farthest from Sirius, it gives off a twinkling effect that suggests to the observer several stars. The orbit cycle takes 60 years. [21]They also claimed that the Dogon appeared to know of the rings of Saturn, and the moons of Jupiter.[22]
Griaule and Dieterlen were puzzled by this Sudanese star system, and prefaced their analysis with the following remark:-
The problem of knowing how, with no instruments at their disposal, men could know the movements and certain characteristics of virtually invisible stars has not been settled, nor even posed.[23]
In 1976 Robert K. G. Temple wrote a book called The Sirius Mystery arguing that the Dogon's system reveals precise knowledge of cosmological facts only known by the development of modern astronomy, since they appear to know, from Griaule and Dieterlen's account, that Sirius was part of a binary star system, whose second star, Sirius B, a white dwarf, was however completely invisible to the human eye,(just as Digitaria is the smallest grain known to the Dogon), and that it took 50 years to complete its orbit. The existence of Sirius B had only been inferred to exist through mathematical calculations undertaken by Friedrich Bessel in 1844. Temple then argued that the Dogon's information, if traced back to ancient Egyptian sources and myth, indicated an extraterrestrial transmission of knowledge of the stars.
Though they do speak about sigu tolo [which is what Griaule claimed the Dogon called Sirius] they disagree completely with each other as to which star is meant; for some it is an invisible star that should rise to announce the sigu [festival], for another it is Venus that, through a different position, appears as sigu tolo. All agree, however, that they learned about the star from Griaule"[27]
Dogon cosmology begins with Amma, who is known as the "only" god, though from further study we find this is not accurate in Dogon culture. Perhaps this nomenclature indicates the special stature of holiness or mystery Amma possesses. Before the present cosmos, Amma made an attempt at creation, but it was impotent - he was only able to salvage the four elements of fire, water, air and earth, which find in our current universe. Amma's second attempt was the creation of the cosmic egg - we know that the egg is a popular symbol for creation, as it hold unlimited potential and is the form from which life springs. This egg is believed to have originated at what we call in the West Sirius B, a star that orbits Sirius (the "Dog Star").
Read more at Suite101: The Mythology of the Dogon People ... z0vRUELkrzIn either case, the understanding of the egg in mythology is the same. Inside the cosmic egg there were two placentas - one with a pair of male twins and one with a pair of female twins. It was planned that in due time the twins would grow to maturity, become born and mate with one another to create divine offspring as the emanations of Amma. However, this plan would not come to fruition. One of the male twins, named Yurugu, was desperate to reproduce and forced with way out of the egg in search of a mate. His search was unsuccessful, but he used pieces of the placenta he had been gestating in to create the earth and proceeded to mate with it. His transgression in this act was two fold: he had arrogantly tried to imitate the act of creation that Amma had done, and he mated with the placenta from which he was born, essentially committing incest. Yurugu was punished by Amma for his mistakes - he was transformed into the Pale Fox, who was no longer capable of speech, but retained the ability to preform divination. The offspring of Yurugu and the placenta were the evil spirits that roamed the earth.
Read more at Suite101: The Mythology of the Dogon People ... z0vRUU1GRVThe Dogon creation story has great impact on the modern Dogon people. The four spirits created by Nommo as he came to the earth were the ancestors of the four social-religious groups of the Dogon people. As well, Pale Fox is still revered for his ability to tell the future and is used in any major undertaking the Dogon people begin.
The Nummo
(Also Pronounced Nommo)
In The Master Of Speech, Shannon Dorey describes the appearance of the alien Nummo who were thought to have originally come from the Sirius star system. The descriptions presented in the book were based on information presented by the Dogon elder, Ogotemmêli. After they left Earth, Dorey believes the Nummo went to the Pleiades and it was from there that they returned a second time to Earth. Both star systems play a significant role in the mythology.
Ogotemmêli described the Nummo as being amphibious and self fertilizing. They were green, serpent, lizard and fish like beings who were more comfortable in water than on land. They had red eyes and sharp pointed teeth. They were also described as being like chameleons, with some having casques and other horns. the mythology the androgynous Nummo were identified as being female because their androgynous appearance tended to appear more feminine than masculine. They were identified with the goddess in world mythology and were symbolized by the sun. Because they were also self fertilizing, they were identified as being virgin goddesses.
It was from descriptions given by Ogotemmêli that the true physical and spiritual makeup of these beings came alive. In the book, Dorey shows pictures of ancient Ubaid artifacts that depicted the Nummo as they were described by Ogotemmêli. These statues date from 4500 BCE. and were uncovered in southern Iraq from the ancient village of Ur.
The crucial point of the Dogon religion wasn't simply based on the fact that alien beings came from another star system to Earth. The primary focus of the religion was that these aliens combined their DNA with the animals of Earth to create humanity.
Because the Nummos' world was dying, they planned to incorporate their consciousness into the Earth beings they created and then live here on the planet. What the Dogon religion tells us is that their experiment failed.
The Nummos' physical characteristics are what we normally associate with inferior species. The fact that Ogotemmêli described these snake- and fish-like beings as superior to humans must have seemed unthinkable in 1946
It was from descriptions given by Ogotemmêli that the true physical and spiritual makeup of the Nummo was revealed. According to Ogotemmêli's description of them, the Nummo, whom he also referred to as the Serpent, were amphibians that were often compared to serpents, lizards, chameleons, and occasionally even sloths (because of their being slow moving and having a shapeless neck). They were also identified as fish capable of walking on land; while they were on land, the Nummo stood upright on their tails. The Nummos' skin was primarily green, but, like the chameleon, it sometimes changed colours. It was said to at times have all the colours of the rainbow.2 What we know of earthly chameleons is that their colour changes according to mood changes or temperature changes.
Ogotemmêli made several references to the fact the Serpent had horns or even a casque. In one passage, he described the skull of the Nummo, saying that there was an ear of millet in a long crack protruding from the Serpent's skull.4 There was another reference to this long horn or casque protruding from the Nummos' skull when Ogotemmêli described the hood worn by the Nummo ancestor relating his head to a stalk of corn. He said the Nummo's head fits into the oblong hood in the same way that a stalk of corn fits into its husk.5
This is not unlike the tongue of the Nummo, which Ogotemmêli described as being forked
A chameleon's front feet have two fused toes pointing outward and three fused toes pointing inward. The fingers of the Nummo were likewise unusual and differed from humans.8 According to Ogotemmêli, the physical appearance of the Nummo can be seen in the jewellery and other styles of the tribe
In other examples of the Dogon mimicking the appearance of the Nummo, members of the tribe wore a circlet of green beads on their temples to mimic the Nummos' glittering forehead and necklaces to represent the wrinkles of the Serpent's neck
The two red beads members of the tribe wore on their nostrils signified the Nummos' red eyes. Other tribal members wore copper bracelets on their wrists and elbows to represent the circular bones that extended from the skin at that part of the Serpent's arms. The Nummos' arms were said to be flexible and have "long unjoined bones.
Ogotemmêli also made reference to the fact the Serpent had no external ears, only auditory holes. There is some indication that the Nummo may have had to use some device to communicate with humans. At one point Ogotemmêli indicated that humans communicated with the Nummo through a drum.
Women also filed their teeth to a point to mimic the sharp teeth of the Serpent and had tattoos on their bodies that resembled the lines found on the Nummos' belly
If we examine the Ubaid figures in Figure 2-3, we see these Nummo beings described by Ogotemmêli. These figures were uncovered in Ur, in southern Iraq, and date from around 4500 BCE. According to Gordon Childe, they came from prehistoric villages of the Ubaid culture that was named after a site near Ur explored in 1922. Childe said they reappeared in northern Mesopotamia, where they were found at many sites from the Kurdish foothills in Assyria east of the Tigris River to the bend of the Euphrates near Carchemish, and even further west

The British Museum also exhibits other figures that look almost identical to these. One is a terracotta figure of a lizard woman suckling a lizard child. She is described by the museum as a lizard figurine.
The lizard figurine from the British Museum clearly reveals the creature has a fish tail
The fact that statues resembling descriptions of the Nummo have been uncovered in the Middle East would suggest the Nummo travelled to other places on Earth besides Africa.
A similar figure, on display in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad, is referred to as a serpent goddess or mother goddess and is from the Proto-Literate period 4000 BCE.16 The statue in the Baghdad museum has been damaged, and the bottom is missing, but it does have the same lines on the belly described by Ogotemmêli. It also has the bump like markings at the shoulder joints that were described as circular bones extending from the skin.
This is significant because in Egyptian mythology, the Nummo were associated with Isis, who is sometimes known as the "cow of heaven." Ogotemmêli also said the Nummo were amphibious, living both on land and in water. It is evident from the Dogon religion that the Nummo preferred water to land, as their fish-like tails would have been more useful in moving in water than on land.
Dogon mythology tells that the Nummo preferred dark, cool caves and liked to move about at night rather than in the daylight. It is possible that they might have been affected by sunlight in the same way as these modern long-toed salamanders were.
Not only did the killifish have the ability to live both in and out of water, like the Nummo, but they were also self-fertilizing like the Nummo, having both male and female reproductive organs. Ogotemmêli told Griaule that the Nummo were not only amphibians but also self-generating and androgynous. He said, "by a special dispensation, permitted only to them, they were able to fertilize themselves, being dual and bisexual
When the Nummo combined their DNA with the terran animals, the experiment appeared to succeed, and the first humans were born self-fertilizing and immortal like the Nummo. Compared to the killifish, these individuals represented about 85 per cent of the species. It wasn't until after the birth of a single-sexed male that it became evident the experiment had failed. The single-sexed males, if compared with the killifish, represented about 15 per cent of the population, and these individuals were born mortal with no knowledge of a previous existence.
Ogotemmêli described the first biological experiment, which involved a union between the Nummo and Mother Earth, as resulting in the birth of two types of human/Nummo hybrids. One offspring was born "normal" like the Nummo, meaning it was an androgynous or a "twin" Nummo. The other offspring, however, was defective; it was a single-sexed male known as "the jackal."23 Throughout the religion, references to "twinness" represent self-fertilizing androgyny. Even though the "twin" Nummo were identified as being self-fertilizing androgynous beings, the Dogon people perceived them as feminine. They were identified with the sun, which was a female symbol. The jackal, on the other hand, was a single-sexed male. He was the defective offspring identified with the moon.
Ogotemmêli explained how "the original incident was destined to affect the course of things forever; from this defective union there was born, instead of the intended twins, a single being, the Thos aureus or jackal, symbol of the difficulties of God."24 From these first offspring, the Dogon perceived the androgynous human/Nummo hybrid as being feminine and good, while the brother of this being was perceived as having been born soulless
According to the Dogon religion, the Nummo were able to communicate with each other and with other animals and plants on a level unknown to humans. Because the jackal did not have this connection, Ogotemmêli said he was "alone from birth".
The religion indicates that the reason the experiment failed was because the Nummo neglected to take into account the problem of combining their androgynous, spiritually developed DNA with the DNA of single-sexed, unevolved, mortal animals. The Nummo were unaware that their spiritual essence was connected to their biological essence, and tampering with one affected the other. Since the Nummo spent most of their time in water, they probably communicated using sonar in the same way that dolphins do.
Under water with closed cavities, they can communicate over astonishing distances, the order of six miles for the bottle-nosed dolphin and the order of five hundred miles for the finback whale.
According to Ogotemmêli, it was the Nummo who taught writing and language to humans. The Dogon are said to have originated in Egypt, and there are strong parallels between Dogon and ancient Egyptian mythology.
It is possible that when the Nummo tried to transfer their method of communicating to humans, they had to do it by transferring their acoustic analogs, which they interpreted as echoes from the objects hit by the sound.
There are passages in Conversations with Ogotemmêli that refer to the fact that the Nummo had to keep moist in order to stay alive. Lannea acida oil, which came from a tree identified as the Nummos' tree, was used by the Nummo to keep their skin from drying out. Moisture was seen as the life-force. Ogotemmêli said that allowing the Serpent to sweat would rob him of his strength and he would die.38 During rituals or ceremonies associated with the Nummo, great effort was made to prevent the Hogon, who represented the Serpent, from suffering fatigue or sweating. Ceremonies took place in the caves of Kunnu-Sese,
This tells us that the Nummo used some kind of mechanical device to move around because they were unable to manoeuvre quickly on land. They must have had restricted areas where the device was not used because of its affect on the crops. There is also some suggestion the device was made of iron to protect the land from the flames it emitted. According to Ogotemmêli, iron was "the colour of shade," and the sandal the Serpent wore to move about was made of iron because iron protected the soil from "feet of fire".
In ceremonies at Nanduli, when the priest became identified with the Nummo he put on two iron sandals, which lay on the altar. When the Dogon first made sandals to copy the Nummo, they used iron, but eventually the Nummo convinced them to use leather because it was more comfortable and easier for walking.
In their spaceships, the Nummo were identified with copper, a ram, a rainbow, the sun, and a calabash. Ogotemmêli told how the "ram" had the power of movement once it had risen into the heavens. When it moved in the clouds, he continued, it left a track of four colours that looked like a rainbow. As Griaule reported, "His left forefoot made a black track, his right a red track, the two others one green and one yellow. That fourfold track was called the 'the Nummo's track.'" It was further said that when there were violent storms, the golden ram plunged into the water of the Bananga marsh, south of Lower Ogol, amongst the water lilies for protection.41 This indicates that a rainbow of colours was seen when the Nummo travelled through the sky and that violent storms were dangerous to them, and so they took cover in the marshes amongst the water lilies.
In other descriptions, the spaceships glow in a red ball of light and there is tubing or piping circulating or curling around the outer top of the craft. This tubing contained either water or "liquid copper" and apparently looked like the horns of a ram, which was why they were identified with rams. Since the Nummo also had horns, the spaceships were viewed by the Dogon as being the celestial form of the Nummo.
The ship was also described as being a round red calabash that excreted liquid copper as it moved in space. It glistened with Lannea acida oil. Ogotemmêli identified the copper with the ram's fleece that he said was "excreted by the Water Spirits in the damp atmosphere of heaven."
There is evidence that the Nummo used "liquid copper" for fuel and that they mined it over bodies of water:
Water and sun symbols were synonymous and signified the Nummo.
Another passage mentions the Cave of the Steady Women, out of which the Serpent came at night, and another cave called the Cave of God's Baobab, to which he returned at dawn. Some people, Ogotemmêli said, had seen the Serpent in full daylight, bright beige in colour and on the piece of land called Place of Rest, which had been intentionally left unseeded in the field of the Serpent's priest
This bright beige object curled in the unseeded field was probably either the Nummo spaceship or the transportation device described earlier in this chapter
They lacked feet or legs and, unlike us, could not manoeuvre quickly on land
They are believed to be of Egyptian descent. After living in Libya for a time, they settled in Mali, West Africa, bringing with them astronomy legends dating from before 3200 BC

The Dogon also describe a third star in the Sirius system, called "Emme Ya" ("Sorghum Female"). In orbit around this star, they say, is a single satellite. To date, Emme Ya has not been identified by astronomers.
The Dogon say their astronomical knowledge was given to them by the Nommos, amphibious beings sent to Earth from Sirius for the benefit of mankind. The name comes from a Dogon word meaning 'to make one drink', and the Nommos are also called 'Masters of the Water', the 'Monitors', and the 'Teachers'.
The Dogon tells the legend of the Nommos, awful-looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder. After they arrived here - they put out a reservoir of water onto the Earth then dove into the water.
They were saviors and spiritual guardians: "The Nommo divided his body among men to feed them; that is why it is also said that as the universe "had drunk of his body," the Nommo also made men drink. He gave all his life principles to human beings."
The Nommo was crucified and resurrected and in the future will again visit the Earth, this time in human form. Later he will assume his amphibious form and will rule the world from the waters.
The Dogon also claimed that a third star (Emme Ya) existed in the Sirius system. Larger and lighter than Sirius B, this star revolved around Sirius as well. And around it orbited a planet from which the Nommos came. (Sirius A).
Chronologically, the earliest of these amphibious entities would appear to be the Babylonian fish-people. They were known to the Babylonians as the Annedoti, which translates as 'repulsive', but notwithstanding their unappealing appearance they were sufficiently influential for the Babylonians to accept their teachings and acquire from them the fundamental tenets of civilization. The most august member of the Annedoti was Oannes, portrayed in ancient Babylonian depictions as a curious, complex hybrid of human and fish, with a bearded man's head beneath the head of a fish, and the body of a fish borne upon the back of a man's body.
According to Babylonian legends, this aquatic deity would come on land during the day to teach the people, and would dive back at night into the Persian Gulf, where he lived in an underwater palace called the Apsu. Was Oannes the original Nommo?
Equivalent to Oannes in the religion of the Philistines at Philistia (in what is now Israel) was a human-bodied, fish-tailed deity called Dagon. Further to the west, Pharos in northern Egypt was said to be the home of 'the Old Man of the Sea' a shape-shifting amphibious deity known as Proteus, son of Oceanus and renowned among the ancient Greeks as an oracle. Significantly, their traditional legends specifically claimed that he often sheltered in a cave to avoid the heat of Sirius.
Osiris and Isis are also referred to as Corn Gods.
Nyama - African Earth voodoo more powerful than the kabbalah. Also see Yoruba Voodoo.
as concepts of God. Only the barakah (derived from the pre-Islamic thought world of the Berber and Arabs), the contagious superpower (or holiness) of the saints, and the power Nyama in western Sudan that works as a force within large wild animals, certain bush spirits, and physically handicapped people—appearing especially as a contagious power of revenge—may...
Shisa nyama is a term used in many South African townships to describe an informal barbecue or braai where friends come together near a butchery, to grill meat in an open fire. The site is usually provided by the butcher owner and only people who buy meat from the butcher are allowed to use the facility. Shisa nyama is a Zulu phrase and it literally means "burn the meat".
National Geographic Djenne Article;June 2001 ... ltext.html"To be a great mason," he said, "one must study. One must know the Koran." The Koran is the source of the blessing that is placed on each dwelling, Yonou said. His mastery of masonry depends on his mastery of the holy book. That knowledge, in turn, gives him power. He looked me in the eye and pointed at the ground with one of his fingers.
"I can make a man's work fall down, without ever leaving my house," he said. "I can make a man's hands wounded so that they never heal—or I can heal them."I would soon find out that such power draws on traditions that predate the Koran. Yonou hinted at them: "It is not everybody who can build a house. It is a secret between the owner and the mason."
"Bia Bia speaks in code words. If he uses the terms érudition or écriture [writing], he is talking about Islam. But if he uses the term connaissance [knowledge], he is referring to Mande beliefs."
They are afraid," he said. "They know Djénné is a religious place." By that he meant a city whose leaders, in the ancient tradition of nyama, had supernatural powers. Then he shared a rumor: "The marabouts have already made a malédiction on the Talo dam," he said. "The person who lays the first stone will die."
Through gris-gris, or spells, masons protect the houses, the families that inhabit them, and themselves: Dirt from old brick is reused only within the dwelling from which it came, since it is believed to carry a blessing that cannot be transferred.
The roots of such practices stretch back to 250 b.c. and the beginnings of Jenne-jeno, an ancient site two miles from Djénné.
Before archaeology revealed the connection between Djénné and Jenne-jeno, Bia Bia, one of the city's marabouts, already understood it from his family's own written history
Mande culture stretches across West Africa. At its core is the idea of nyama: a life force tapped by experts to wield supernatural power.
Masons, who shape earth itself, control nyama. Roderick McIntosh believes that in ancient Jenne-jeno one type of expert was respected above all others for his control of nyama: the blacksmith, with his ability to transform earth into iron with fire. In Djénné today authority derives from the Koran. No one uses the term nyama. Yet the tradition continues.
Mali Cherif Keita
The invisible forces are the djinns, the spirits that tend to inhabit the bush. And the visible forces are the forces at home, in the world of the known
C.K.: Well, one element that is crucial when one deals with the Mande world is the notion of the nyama. Nyama can be best understood as a vital force that exists in everything.
B.E.: Cherif, “nyama” is a Mande word and a Mande concept, and it comes in later when we get to the griots and other hereditary trades. But we are talking about a much older time here, right? A time before there was such a thing as Mande.
C.K.: Well, before organized states, you see? This goes back to prehistory really. ... y+in+MusicB.E.: So nyama is an ancient idea.
C.K.: Is a very ancient idea. That's right. A very ancient idea, this belief in the nyama. But as I say, it is at the center of the Mande spirituality.
Nyama music and songs
C.K.: Exactly. That's right. If one looks at the history of the jali, or griot, as we see it in the Mali Empire, they say that the Kouyates were the first jali clan, the authentic jali clan. You know, in most of the family names in Mali, you find an horon or noble branch and a jali branch. But the Kouyate can only be jali. Why are the Kouyates only jalis? Because they were the jali of the Keita; Keita, again going back to Sunjata Keita, or Sunjata's family. They were the ones who were present to educate the Imperial family, and to become really the accomplices of the Keita family. In fact the name Kouyate means “kon y’an te.” “Kon y’an te” in Malinke or Bambara means "there is a secret between us." That's where the name Kouyate comes from. So this makes the Kouyate clan the first griot clan, the authentic griot clan, and the griots to the Keita, with whom they share this secret, they share this complicity, which is “kon y’an te.”
I think the griot can also be seen within that worldview. The griots often attribute the origin of their trade or craft to Bilali the muezzin of the Prophet.
.K.: Yes. In the Mande world, the specialized functions, such as blacksmithing, leather working, word-smithing, the verbal arts—these are all called nyamakala. Nyamakala is based on the word nyama, which is that vital force, dangerous force that has to be handled very carefully, and kala. “Kala” can have several meanings. One is the handle of something that can burn you or cut you; you use a handle so that it can protect you while you are using it. But “kala” can also be translated as the antidote for something. Because nyama is a dangerous force, so you need an antidote for it. So the specialized functions, using the verbal arts, using metals, using wood, using leather—all these are objects and substances that are nyama laden.
B.E.: Including words.
C.K.: Words. Oh, words are believed to have the strongest nyama. Because you see, in the Mande world, and in many African cultures, you can kill people using words. You can build with words. You can also destroy with words. In the spiritual world, the word can be an incantation, a very powerful formula that can affect the physical world. This shows you the extent of the nyama that is contained in speech. So, anybody dealing with the past of a culture, anybody dealing with the past or the history of the human group, has to handle that very, very carefully.
Mande people
Descended from ancient Central Saharan people, akin to the Bafour or Imraguen of Mauritania, the Mandé are an identifiable group of peoples spread throughout the West Africa. They are known as having been among the first on the continent to produce woven textiles (by a process known as strip-weaving), and as the founders of the Ghana Empire and Mali Empire, as well as being responsible for the expansion of the Songhai Empire across West Africa. However, archaeological testimony also supports that they were among the first peoples on the continent, outside the Nile region and Ethiopia, to produce stone settlement civilizations. These were built on the rocky promontories of the Tichitt-Walata and Tagant cliffs of Southern Mauritania between ca. 2000 and 700 BC., likely by a sub-group of the(Mande speaking) Soninke
It appears that these elongated head (like the upper crown of egypt) and blue eyed protruding horned nose "reptillian" aliens were also bothered by satan and it's demons or "the red eyes". Orion appears to be carrying a torch or fondness for a blonde woman carrying an elderly alien reptillian. Most pictures don't show the hidden 4 star system behind the torch,perhaps their home base. They may have escaped here to survive their species after the red eyes altered or destroyed their planet alike ours with a great flood by tilting the planets from satan's 7 year light sized energy. I seem to understand these reptillians in a new light if all this correct from my readings of the nebula. Appears that way for now. They don't really have horns just stubby pinnochio type noses and perhaps 3 fingers and a thumb.Almost Uman in appearance actualy.Not sure about their lower bodies that appear to have legs and perhaps just tiny feet as evident by the lady of the throne.
The picture is also in my Mysterean page on my website.