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Post subject: The Arctic Tribe Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:34 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:37 pm Posts: 20
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Post subject: Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 8:15 am |
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Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 12:31 am Posts: 31 Location: Azores Islands
Good article Boreas. Thought I'd post the abstract from your first link. Quote: Human presence in the European Arctic nearly 40,000 years ago Pavel Pavlov1,2, John Inge Svendsen2,3 & Svein Indrelid4 1.Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ural Division, Kommunisticheskaya st. 26, 167000, Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia 2.Centre for Studies of the Environment and Resources, University of Bergen, Høyteknologisenteret (HIB), N-5020 Bergen, Norway 3.Bergen Museum, University of Bergen, Harald Hårfagresgt.1, N-5020 Bergen, Norway 4.These authors contributed equally to the work Correspondence to: John Inge Svendsen2,3 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to J.I.S. (e-mail: Email: john.svendsen@smr.uib.no). Top of pageThe transition from the Middle to the Upper Palaeolithic, approximately 40,000–35,000 radiocarbon years ago, marks a turning point in the history of human evolution in Europe. Many changes in the archaeological and fossil record at this time have been associated with the appearance of anatomically modern humans1, 2. Before this transition, the Neanderthals roamed the continent, but their remains have not been found in the northernmost part of Eurasia. It is generally believed that this vast region was not colonized by humans until the final stage of the last Ice Age some 13,000–14,000 years ago3, 4. Here we report the discovery of traces of human occupation nearly 40,000 years old at Mamontovaya Kurya, a Palaeolithic site situated in the European part of the Russian Arctic. At this site we have uncovered stone artefacts, animal bones and a mammoth tusk with human-made marks from strata covered by thick Quaternary deposits. This is the oldest documented evidence for human presence at this high latitude; it implies that either the Neanderthals expanded much further north than previously thought or that modern humans were present in the Arctic only a few thousand years after their first appearance in Europe. It's amazing when we realize the great endurance of people to have migrated to such frigid lands, especially during an Ice Age. Perhaps these people evolved into the Eskimos across the barren trek to Canada. Another interesting note is that they relate them to neanderthal offspring at an earlier date than normaly aspirated. Part of the evidence that scientists now relaize that they merged with cromagnon and contributed to the homosapien evolvement and that they never really disappeared but rather transformed and merged into a new being.
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Post subject: Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:43 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:37 pm Posts: 20
Quote: Alternatively, if the residents at Mamontovaya Kurya were not Neandertals but fully developed modern humans, then this human race colonized the Russian Arctic shortly after the first newcomers entered Europe some 40 000 years ago (Bocquet-Appel and Demars, 2000; Straus et al., 2000).
There are also other finds in northern Russia that provide us with reason to believe that modern humans colonized this region at a relatively early stage. Some 300 km SW of Mamontovaya Kurya is a slightly younger Upper Paleolithic site that is located close to the Byzovaya village along the Pechora River (Fig. 1). More than 300 finds and 4000 bones have been unearthed during several excavations (Pavlov et al., 2001 and references therein). Recently, we carried out more field investigations at this important site and established a better chronology. A series of radiocarbon analyses conducted on well-preserved mammoth bones from the find-bearing strata have yielded radiocarbon ages in the range 28-29 000 14C years BP. The lithic industry at Byzovaya shows clear similarities with the artifacts from the famous Sungir site near Moscow where skeletons of modern humans have been dated to approximately the same period (Sinitsyn and Praslov, 1997). In all likelihood, fully developed modern humans were present in the Pechora basin not later than 28 000 14C years BP, which is considered as a minimum age for their first appearance in this region.
Whoever the persons who lived at Mamontovaya Kurya were, the finds from this site open new perspectives on the earliest colonization of the Arctic and Europe in general. We find it remarkable that humans were living in the Arctic this early and it raises the question whether they recently emigrated from temperate areas much further to the south or if their origin should be sought in other areas. Perhaps the first immigrants of modern humans in northern Europe were “Asians” spreading westwards from Siberia? http://www3.hi.is/~oi/AG-326%202006%20r ... TH2003.pdfQuote: The implication that the far northern tier of Eurasia was occupied very early by modern humans is another piece of evidence consistent with the idea that the first modern Europeans came from the far north. This hypothesis proposes that the features that people spread into the Palearctic as a rather specialized adaptation, and may have exploited a niche available to highly mobile, long-limbed, and culturally sophisticated people. Ultimately, the eastern extreme of this population may have moved into Beringia and further to the New World.
A list of online resources related to the topic of Paleolithic occupation of the circumarctic is maintained at WorkingDogWeb, which I assume is related because of dogsleds?
http://johnhawks.net/weblog/reviews/ear ... urope.html
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Post subject: Re: The Arctic Tribe Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:58 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:37 pm Posts: 20
Quote: Mortuary sites at Morrill’s Point in Massachusetts, dated around 8500 B.P., reveal burials which may well have been the precursors of the Moorehead Burial Tradition. A 7500 year old burial found in southern Labrador indicates that the main characteristics of this mortuary pattern were already being practiced by this time. Few of these early indicators have been found, but by 5000 years ago the distinctive mortuary ritual of the Moorehead Burial Tradition had became a ubiquitous characteristic of prehistoric burials along the northeastern coast of North America.
Read more at Suite101: The Red-Paint People: A Unique Culture in Archaic North America http://archaeology.suite101.com/article ... z0ruqiiHZ6
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Post subject: Re: The Arctic Tribe Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:39 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 10:37 pm Posts: 20
After the time of Paradise - when this ball was tropical - we had a period of time that in Greek antiquity was called "Atlantis", signifying that the earth had tilted, giantic ice-caps had emerged around the poles and the year of four seasons had started a new time. Today we call this period "ice-time".
When ice-time ended a peculiar population came out of an ice-time refugia in the north - where they had been forced to develop an arctic culture where life could be sustain only by the help of domesticated plants and animals. To easen their daily efforts they had (also) developed a number of tools from bone, skin, stone and metals that were common to all the arctic individuals.
As they could escape the isolation of ice-time they started to emerge in parts of northern Eurasia during the warmer periods of ice-time, such as the Eem interglacial, 120-90.000 years ago. At the end of Younger Dryas (10-12.000 years ago) they would reach the Mediterranean, as well as Persia, Inida, China and America...
Introducing their cattle, corn and tools - they could merge with the various tropical poeples - to cultivate and populate the inhabitted areas in the semi-tropic/semi-arctic areas of the Mediterranean, Caucasian, Himalayan and Meso-American climate-zones.
These palefaced arctics - who themselves (also) populated the brims of the Atlantic Ocean - were called "Atlanteans", still during Greek antiquity. If one acccepts the name "Atlanteans" as the core of the Nort Eurasian culture that popultated Europe and Russia from the end of ice-time we may view their original home - "Atlantis" - as the ´"European refugia" of ice-time, described by modern anthropology, archeology and genetics. If the Atlanteans were the northern (palefaced) surviviors of ice-time, then Atlantis have been very real.
Now, Platos record tells that mainland Atlantis was destroyed as it was "overflooded". We may attach that to the time of the great flood as recorded by numerous other sources. The greatest flood on record appeared as the ice-age came to a close, around 10.000 years ago, when the ocean-level rose about 120 metres. Thus modern geology have actually confirmed that there indeed was a great, world-encompassing flood. They even found out when and how it happened - as gigatons of ice melted and entered the world oceans, between 18.000 and 10.000 yrs ago.
Since then a lot of landmass in the north, where the ice-caps used to dwell, started to rise. That would include the area where mainland Atlantis were located - before the flood. Consequently the old Atlantis can be at or above sea-level today. Platos texts does not contradict that the area of the (old) Atlantean society actually re-emerged from the waves.
Moreover the Platos texts confirm that the Atlanteans did appear at the end of ice-time (10-12.000 yrs ago). The closest we get to identify this very early culture within the Meds is the well-known centres of eastern and western Crete (Chanya and Knossos), known as the Minoan civilization. We also know that this core of the Greek/Egyptian and Roman/Libyan civilizations disappeared as the great strife and warfare spread around the Meds, some 3500 years ago. By then the old Minoan and Greek kingdoms, as well as parts of the Egyptian, lost their independence, cultural traditions and legal constitutions to invading armies of trained murderers, led by tyrrannic rulers, enslaving priests and a criminal clerecy. As the war-campaigners reached Libya, Italy and Spain the old Atlantean culture, known as "Greek Classical" faded as the old constitutions of Helios/Isis, Zeus/Hera and Jupiter/Juno were overrun and devastated.
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