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Post subject: Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus? Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:29 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus by Riven. Let me try to explain this simply and remember the Pharaohs names were hidden on purpose! After the Flood of Noah was Abraham After Abraham was Joseph After Joseph was the Exodus. The Pharaoh of the Exodus was affected with Plagues and Curses from God. Pretty simple right? Joseph interpreted or explained the 7 year famine dream of the Pharaoh as told in the Bible. The only Pharaoh on written record is Djoser who had a 7 year dream famine explained to him. This is known as the Sehel Stele if you want to read the story, here's a link. The Famine Stele on the Island of Sehel http://www.reshafim.org.il/ad/egypt/famine_stele.htm (Please note that “mainstream scholars of collars” will dismiss the Sehel Stele) Quote: Herodotus Histories; his commentary on Khafre.
This Cheops, the Egyptians said, reigned fifty years; and after he was dead his brother Chephren succeeded to the kingdom. This king followed the same manner of dealing as the other, both in all the rest and also in that he made a pyramid, not indeed attaining to the measurements of that which was built by the former (this I know, having myself also measured it), and moreover there are no underground chambers beneath nor does a channel come from the Nile flowing to this one as to the other, in which the water coming through a conduit built for it flows round an island within, where they say that Cheops himself is laid: but for a basement he built the first course of Ethiopian stone of divers colours; and this pyramid he made forty feet lower than the other as regards size, building it close to the great pyramid. These stand both upon the same hill, which is about a hundred feet high. And Chephren they said reigned fifty and six years.
Here then they reckon one hundred and six years, during which they say that there was nothing but evil for the Egyptians, and the temples were kept closed and not opened during all that time. These kings (i.e. Khufu and Khafre) the Egyptians by reason of their hatred of them are not very willing to name; nay, they even call the pyramids after the name of Philitis the shepherd, who at that time pastured flocks in those regions. Now when you include snoferu, khufu’s father, your around 150 years of evils and there also we see Herodotus telling us about Philitis Take note that this Shepherd was more highly praised by the Egyptian people than the Pharaohs and was the previous Son of Man or Christ prior to Jesus. The Shepherd or JASA as written on the Palermo Stone with the Cross, The Bright Star, The 3 Wise Men and The Temple of Fire where snoferu and khufu murdered Him. So above we see Joseph with Djoser and afterwards we see the wicked Pharaohs of snoferu, khufu and khafre cursed with 150 years of evils. The exodus probably would have occurred during the reign of Menkaure, brother of Khafre. For that was when the evil ended and the people were free to go as they pleased. So they went to Chanaan. As you can see it makes sense. Were there plagues in the time of Ramses or curses? No. Just the Sea People invasion because of the drought caused by The Battle of Troy and Egypt was well stockpiled. Was the Theosophical Bible flood at 2350.bC? No. It was at 3925/26.bC or 3040 common. Here's a chronology I put together, close enough but not accurate. It may seem confusing because it includes the 885 missing years, which reverts back to common time with khufu. This is due to the sun temples, solar calendar, erroneous kings records and a factor for carbon dating errors. However, the 885 years is mainly based on Philitis the Shepherd at 3474.bC or 2589.bC. See? If you want to know the real dates, follow the numbers on the left, the common dates are in parenthesis on the right. That is, up to the temple of solomon. Paulo Riven revised "Fields of Ephron" Chronology. *885 missing years "modernized" in parenthesis. 6482.bC First Flood, 40 years.*(5597.bC) (Bosphorous straits Black Sea flood 5700.bC) 6442.bC Adam born Second Garden of Creation in Avila,Tansania. Atlantis II.(2516 years from Adam to following flood) (5557.bC) 5957.bc Building of the Tower 525 years after flood. Twin Pyramids of the Great and Red? 1,922 years prior Menes at 4035.bC.(5072.bC) 3926.bC Second Flood(3) of Semsem,Noah,Utnapishtum,Xisuthrus,Egyptian Flood of Hathor.(3041.bC) (3018.5 average of sept/chaldean) 3709.bC Jacob born (2824.bC) 3634.bC Abra'am born (292 years from the 2nd Flood) (2749.bC) Qa'a: Hotepsekhemwy: Raneb ...c.2890-2686 BCE 3631.bC Rachel gives birth to Joseph. (2746.bC) .........Rachel gives birth to Benjamin. Rachel dies. 3624.bC..Sara born (2739.bC) 3615.bC Joseph sold to Egyptians at 16 yoa.(2730.bC) 3599.bC This is where Pharaoh Djoser should be. (Lists place him 5 generations of 15.2yrs ea.prior to khufu's of 2589.bC or 2665.bC for Djoser.(2714.bC) .........Joseph made Governor of Egypt after revealing 7 year famine dream of Pharaoh (2465.bC) .........and named "savior of the world" by Pharaoh at 30yoa., .........Marries Aseneth,daughter of Putiphare,priest of Heliopolis. .........Joseph has sons Mannases and Ephraim .........Pharaoh Djoser (2687-2647.bC) 7 year famine and dream. Stele of Sehel. Imhotep,Step Pyramid. 3579.bC Jacob reunites with Joseph in Egypt at 130 yoa.(2694.bC) 3562.bC Jacob blesses his 12 sons and dies at 147 yoa.(2677.bC) .........Joseph leaves with Chariots and horsemen to bury his father in Ephron's field.(hmmmmm,chariots and horses in Egypt!) 3559.bC Abra'am leaves for Chanaan at 75 yoa.(2674.bC) 3548.bC snopheru born, (snf=blood) son of Huni the Cannibal and self proclaimed god, father of Khufu and Khafre and Djedefre. (2663.bC) 3534.bC Isaac born to Sara at 90, Abraham 100 yoa dies.(2649.bC) (not 175!) 3521.bC Joseph dies at 110 yoa.Buried in Fields of Ephron.(2636.bC) 3497.bC Sara dies at 127 yoa. Buried in Fields of Ephron.(2612.bC) Khufu Time Starts.____________885 years lost_________________>>>>_**** 3474.bC Twins Jacob and Esau born to Rebbeca, Isaac 60 yoa....(2589.bC) .........JASA I (Philitis The Shepherd) murdered Dec.10th, 8:08am, 3474.bC by snoferu and khufu. (2589.bC) ……… God's plagues begin for murdering JASA. snopheru also dies at 74. 3469.bC, Wicked Pharaoh khufu,Temples closed,150 yrs of darkness upon Egypt (Plagues, Curses) .........prophecy of thrice born son not of the blood of khufu to rule Egypt. 3454.bC Isaac dies at 80 yoa. (2469.bC) (not 180!) 3401.bC Building of the Tower (Great Pyramid "mirrored" and Babbeled). 525 years after second flood.Khufu/Khafre middle Pyramid of Giza.(2516) 3319.bC..Exodus begins 150 years after. 315 years after AbraHam. (add 100 double the 15 = 430) (2434.bC) 3276.bC Tabernacle of the Exodus built 245 yrs after Joseph's death. (2391.bC) 1832.bC Temple of Solomon built 1444 years after the exodus Tabernacle. (947.bC.) 1768. Flood of Ogyges(2) 1628. Santorinini,Thera Flood (1) 1529. Deukalion Thessalian plain flood. (Atlantean Flood 3rd before Deukalion) Capture of izrael by Nebuchadanazar (620.bC.) Truth of Atlantis Revealed to Solon at Sais by Amasis II and Uadjahor Resne.(570.bC) 128 Rabbi "bible falsifiers" synagogue council (444.bC.) Proclaim themselves Judean Jews and “lord yahweh’s chosen” to avoid Alexander as foretold to them by the prophet. Alexander the Great European Western Revenge on the East and the Phoenician murderers and those who lied about Jove (Ja Mn for Europe)! (335.bC) Library of Alexandria and the Septuagint Greek Bible being recorded. 72 Rabbi Lies to Greek Pharaoh Ptolomy. cf; Letter of Aristeas. JASA II (jesus) The Son of God. (5.bC or 0 to our Calendar) 332.AD___Constantine Black Bishops liars for the rabbi liars and betrayal of the west and Christianity!!! 420.aD__Hypatia Murdered, Christians persecuted, Library of Alexandria robbed and ruined for the Library of Pergamon and the Eastern Serpents!!! "From Adam and 6442.bC to the second flood at 3926.bC: 2516 years; from the second flood to the building of the tower, 525 years; from Abraham to the building of the tower 233 years; from Abraham until the start of the Exodus from Egypt, 315 years; from the Exodus to the building of the Temple of Solomon 1,487 years; from the building of the temple to the captivity of Israel 1,212 years. From the captivity to king Alexander 877 years; from Alexander to Jasa The Christ our God's Son, 330 years. Altogether, 6482 years from our First Flood to Jasa The Christ.  aulo Riven ^A^. July 26.2010.
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Post subject: Re: Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus? Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:55 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
This statement as written supports as I maintain, that Djoser was in fact the Pharaoh of Joseph (the vizier, possibly Imhotep) and the 7 year famine as recorded for Djoser and The Sehel Stele. The Septuagint being the original Greek recording of the Bible from Alexandria and prior to the Old Testament. Septuagint LXX - Exodus Chapter 1. (Joseph died at the end of Genesis preceding) 8 And there arose up another king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph. 9 And he said to his nation, Behold, the race of the children of Israel is a great multitude, and is stronger than we: 10 come then, let us deal craftily with them, lest at any time they be increased, and whensoever war shall happen to us, these also shall be added to our enemies, and having prevailed against us in war, they will depart out of the land. 11 And he set over them task-masters, who should afflict them in their works; and they built strong cities for Pharao, both Pitho, and Ramesses, and On, which is Heliopolis. (They built Heliopolis, which would have to be around Djoser or right after that compliments the Sun Temples. The wicked pharaoh huni, snoferu's father, probably being the pharaoh mentioned to oppress the hebrews and other races as well into slavery and laborous confinement! Later to include the evil snoferu,khufu and khafre as the pharaohs of the exodus, then finaly ending with Menkaure.)http://christianmedia.us/LXXE/exodus.htmlHere's something else to think about for these Kenyan tribes ancient tradition. Quote: According to tradition, the Meru once lived in a state of slavery under a people called 'antu ba nguu ntuune' - meaning Red People. The Red People were powerful and often harsh. No one knows for sure who the Red people actually were. Whatever the exact location, this state of bondage lasted until the leader of the Red People started killing all the Meru's male children immediately after birth. But one child, apparently very handsome, escaped this fate, having been kept hidden in the riverside in a basket his mother had made. As a result, the prodigal child became known as 'Mwithe', the Hidden One. Mwithe, who later became known as Koomenjwe or Muthurui, grew up to become a very great prophet, and a spiritual leader of the Meru.Assisted by another elder called Kauro-Beechau, Mwithe organised a council of wise elders to lead the Meru out of bondage. They went to the leader of the Red People and asked to be set free.
The predominant oral tradition concerning the Meru's early history is a fantastic fable that seems to combine elements of both truth and fiction. In brief, it recounts that the Meru were once enslaved by the "Red People". They eventually escaped, and in their exodus came across a large body of water called Mbwaa or Mbwa, which they crossed by magical means. The details of the tradition are replete with parallels to the Old Testament, and also contain references to events described in the New Testament. This has led many to speculate that the Meru are perhaps the descendants of one of the Lost Tribes of Israel, or that they were once Jewish, or had been in profound cultural contact with a people that certainly were (such as the Falashim of Ethiopia).
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Post subject: Re: Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus? Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:08 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
As we know, there are many accounts of famines and I fed all the people stories, however Djoser is specific about the 7 years and that it was foretold in a dream to Pharaoh where a vizier or priest interpreted the dream. Most think it was Imhotep who was the Priest that translated the dream, but careful analysis also shows evidence that a Priest "Of" Imhotep translated the dream. Here's the paragraph from the Sehel Stele and as mentioned, note that the "scholars of collars" make sure "not a contemporary record" or "don't believe this" note is usually attached to the Sehel Stele record. Why? Same reason they hid the Pharaohs names in the Bible. Ooooohhhhh, but they can tell you thousands of hebrew names, or the "disguised" names of Egyptian guards, wives, priests or daughters, but nary a Pharaohs name other than Sheshonk around the 26th Dynasty! Smell a rat? The following paragraph also states that the "kernels" were dried up alike the thin corn of Joseph's story for Pharaohs dream. That's at least 4 definitive markers between Djoser and Joseph. Aside of Djoser and Joseph sharing common names even. From the Sehel Stele, public domain use; Quote: I was in mourning on my throne, Those of the palace were in grief….because Hapy had failed to come in time. In a period of seven years, Grain was scant, Kernels were dried up…Every man robbed his twin…Children cried…The hearts of the old were needy…Temples were shut, Shrines covered with dust, Everyone was in distress….I consulted one of the staff of the Ibis, the Chief lector-priest of Imhotep, son of Ptah South-of-the-Wall….He departed, he returned to me quickly, He let me know the flow of Hapy… I understand how the Sesostris kings were formidable and that they conquered Egypt, Nubia the Sinai, the Levant and even to do battle with the Greeks, and that they probably brought a mixture of race types back with them for slaves or partners, where this also coincides with the earlier Chanaanite Hyksos entering Egypt prior to their own conquest around 1600.bC or some 300 years after Sesostris I. But the swift kick in the nards aside of the markers we find with Joseph and Djoser, is that the bible testifies to their building the city of Heliopolis or On. Whereas commonly "they" say it was a pre-dynastic city, but obviously it was not to have been named Sun City along with the Sun Temples and false worship of Ra and Horus, Osiris and Isis and the Hawk that arose ca 2700.bC or around Djoser. The earliest On could date to would have to be with Ranubkha who starts the 2nd Dynasty, since he was the first to use the Ra name in his title from his stupidity of thinking that JaO Mn had a sun over his head, like the other idiots who thought it was a moon and named JaO Mn as IAH or JAH. Not bad but there is no letter H in God's Name, neither for the modern term of John that should be Jon, or simply AeJon Mn. Sure maybe calling them idiots or stupid is a misnomer and that "cleverness or deceit" is more appropriate as it also was for that yahweh character of no name but simply a titular for lord of vanities and ruins. Moreover, On had to have been after Djoser according to the bible and archaeology for Sun Temples. To say all this is coincidence is but a forked tongue of denials. Same as it was for them to deny the names of the Pharaohs. So they thought. Article by Paulo Riven.
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Post subject: Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 6:12 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
Further to the Pharaohs of The Exodus, continued by Paulo Riven; Question; Quote: 7 is all through the Bible and might not meant the exact number but the meaning of several years.There were a few famines in Egypt,anyone of them could have been of the Bible Joseph `s dream. qoute-150 year curse and plagues upon Egypt. Moses gave all the plagues.Some how I don`nt see Moses and Aaron living that long, 150 years to give one Pharaoh the plagues? My Reply; Let's not run in circles. We are being specific about 7 years of famine and a 7 year dream,nothing else! Herodotus quoted 106 years for the rule of khufu and khafre. I also add Snoferu and Menkaure to round out 150 years. Remember, the Exodus is the actual time of when Moses started to follow God's command to free the people of all races under slavery and Moses was but a 3 month old child when he washed up to Pharaohs wife. Don't forget, God's chosen informers also lived long lives. Moses went through at least 2 pharaohs, where upon the first one died. Then there was the durations of the 10 plagues and then another 40 years or so of the actual Exodus journey. There is also another papyrus titled the Admonitions of Ipuwer that strongly identifies with the plagues and river of blood for the exodus, written around the middle times and believed to have been from the Old Kingdom times and also to that of Djoser and the Khufu pharaohs. Others also think it may be the Hyksos times. Not likely because the Exodus also occurred before Tanis or Avaris was built, just like the bible stated that Heliopolis was also built. Aside of these 3 main factors of Djoser, Khufu and the Ipuwer Papyrus, there is very little evidence for the Exodus found by archaeologists or scholars of collars and soXfords.  Especially the amount of people claimed for Israel's tribes of some 600,000 or so being highly unlikely. The interesting thing is that my two dates of 6482 and 3925 ring with Genesis and then the flood occurring after. Genesis being the recreation of our second Garden of Tansania and why it appears so young or around 6000 years for the bible, and Adam with His Wife, Life. Coincidently, Josephus the Philo, tells us that Adam means "red man of the red earth", just like the Egyptians or Atlanteans were also described, or that kenyan name of the Meru tribes for "red people" comparable to the name of Atlanteans.
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Post subject: Posted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:35 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
In all probability, Moses means "born or saved out of the water" in relation to how he was found by Pharaohs daughter. This correlates with what Josephus said that he was named Mouses. Josephus names Pharaohs daughter as Thermuthis. Josephus says that the baby was called Mouses because the Egyptians call water "Mo", and those who are saved out of the water, "Uses".
m = in ms = bring ms(i) = give birth ms-n = born to msw = offspring mw = water (mu)
Josephus also states that Moses was the 7th generation of Abraham or the 6th generation after Abraham. Abraham-Isaac-Jacob-Levi-Caath-Amram - Moses
Now we know that Abraham was born 292 years after the flood. Herodotus states 3 generations are 100 years or 33.33 each, where 25 year generations is more acceptible.
So that's 150 years until Moses having been born and clearly in contradiction with the 430 years of enslavement as mentioned by the bible for we know that Moses only lived 120 years.
The Theosophist flood error is 2350.bC less 292 = 2058 less 150 = 1908.bC.
Thus; 2350 - biblical flood 2058 - Abra'am born 1908 - Moses born
My flood date of 3925 (3040 common due to 885 missing years) 3925 - biblical flood (3040.bC) 3633 - Abra'am born (2748.bC) 3483 - Moses born (2598.bC)
There you have it, Joseph once again clearly with Pharaoh Djoser, Moses at 9 years old being around Philitis The Shepherd ca.3474.bC. Moses clearly being around Khufu also. You add up the years from Huni to Khafre and that is the enslavement period with the Exodus occurring during Menkaure who let them go with Moses.
Pharaoh Djoser (2687-2647.bC) 7 year famine and dream. Stele of Sehel. khufu. (2589.bC)
Huni 24-26years ca Snofru - 24-29 yrs Khufu 23-63 years Djedefre - 8 yrs khafre - 24-66 yrs bakare - 4-22 yrs --------------------------107 to 214 years at most------for the enslavement. Plus at what point the Exodus actually occurred with Menkaure. Menkaure - 18-63 yrs ca 2475.bC.
Article by Paulo Riven Tribes of Atlantis Aug,24,2010. (8492.aJA)
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Post subject: Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:20 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
Septuagint LXX - Exodus Chapter 1. (Joseph died at the end of Genesis preceding)
8 And there arose up another king over Egypt, who knew not Joseph. 9 And he said to his nation, Behold, the race of the children of Israel is a great multitude, and is stronger than we: 10 come then, let us deal craftily with them, lest at any time they be increased, and whensoever war shall happen to us, these also shall be added to our enemies, and having prevailed against us in war, they will depart out of the land.
11 And he set over them task-masters, who should afflict them in their works; and they built strong cities for Pharao, both Pitho, and Ramesses, and On, which is Heliopolis.
I just checked out NewAdvent.org, that's probably the king James version, and here's what it says.
11 Therefore he set over them masters of the works, to afflict them with burdens: and they built for Pharao cities of tabernacles, Phithom, and Ramesses.
Notice that On or Heliopolis isn't mentioned from the Original Septuagint and they replace it with "cities of tabernacles"?
There are many discrepancies between the original and the altered newer versions.
For example, Edem becomes Eden, Life becomes Eve, Carbuncle and Emeralds are replaced by Onyx and Bydellium, etc, etc.
That's more proof for the Garden being in Africa aside of the Nile being the River. (My Garden of Avila at the Olkarien Gorge in Tansania)
Now why would they take On and Heliopolis out of there?
No need to guess, is there?
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Paulo Riven
Post subject: Re: Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus? Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 5:17 am |
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Joined: Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:26 am Posts: 144 Location: Azores Islands, Atlantis
.111.[R]. Adam and Life by Paulo Riven.[R].111.
Adam and Life (eve) Cain (may have been a son of the "serpent" wizard or alien outsider) Abel A Daughter (Cain's Wife) Enoch Gaidad Maleleel Mathusala Lamech - 2 wives Ada and Sella Jobel and Jubal Thobel Noema Seth (Adam & Life) Enos Cainan Maleleel II Jared Enoch Mathusala II Lamech Noe Sem Japeth Cham
Multitudes of Sons and Daughters born. Genesis 6:2, God says their days shall be 120 years because His Chosen Men went into women of normal men. Contradictory because even after the flood many great years for individuals are also recorded exceeding 120 years. The Earth being corrupted (obviously because they came from Cains' bloodline), God plans the Flood.
So after the Flood, 8 people re-populate the Earth. Noe, Sem,Cham, Japeth and their 4 wives. (cf:Egyptian Ogdoad) Basically, the flood lasted about a year, Noe being 601 when it ended, the Ark landing on the Ararat Mountains somewhere.
Gen:8:21; 21 And the Lord God smelled a smell of sweetness, and the Lord God having considered, said, I will not any more curse the earth, because of the works of men, because the imagination of man is intently bent upon evil things from his youth, I will not therefore any more smite all living flesh as I have done.
(God breaks his promise and smites Sodom and Gomorrah afterwards. Before you get angry with God, just remember, this is not the Real God nor are these his chosen people. They are all offspring of Cain with the exception of Seth. So you see Seth or Seti of The Egyptians, really isn't the bad guy!).
Noe lives 350 years after the flood and was 950 years when he died. Contradictory because the flood ended when Noe was 601, thus 951. Obviously they would mean since the flood began. So much for meticulous scribes!
So now, all generations are of Adam's "truer" lineage !; Why? Gen;5:3 "3 And Adam lived two hundred and thirty years, and begot a son after "his own form, and after his own image," and he called his name Seth"
Sem(1st King)_______________Japeth(2nd King)_____________Cham(3rd King) Elam______________________Gamer__________Gamer______Chus__________________Chus Assur _____________________Magog__________Aschanaz___Mesrain_____Mesrain_____Saba Arphaxad________Arphaxad___Madoi__________Riphath_____Phud_______Ludiim______Evila Lud_____________Cainan IV__Jovan____Jovan__Thorgama___Chanaan II___Nephthalim__Sabatha Aram_____Aram__Sala_______Elisa_____Elisa II___________Sidon_______Enemetiim___Rhegma_______Rhegma Cainan III__Uz____Heber_____Thobel___Tharseis___________Chettite_____Labiim______Sabathaca______Saba _________Ul_____Phaleg_____Mosoch__Cetians____________Jebusite_____Patrosoniim________________Dadan _________Gater___Jektan_____Thiras___Rhodians__________Amorite_____Chasmoniim__Nebrod (nimrod / Babylon) 3885.bC? _________Mosoch_Elmodad____________________________Girgashite____Phylistiim____Plain of Senaar ________________Saleth_______________________________Evite_______Gaphthoriim__Cities of; Orech, Archad, Chalanne ________________Sarmoth_____________________________Arukite_________King Assur builds Ninevi, Rhooboth, Dase (Great City), Chalach ________________Jarach_______________________________Asennite ________________Odorrha_____________________________Aradian ________________Aibel_______________________________Samarean ________________Decla_______________________________Amathite ________________Eval ________________Abimael ________________Saba II ________________Uphir ________________Evila ________________Jobab
Bricks began to be made and the Tower of Babel was built in the Plains of Senaar.
Sem at 100 Fathers Arphaxad the 2nd year after the flood (lives 500 yrs More) Arphaxad 135 F 400 M Cainan 130 F 330 M Sala 130 F 330 M Heber 134 F 207 M Phaleg 130 F 209 M Ragau 132 F 207 M Seruch 130 F 200 M Nachor 179 F 124 M Tharrha 75 F 205 M Abram (AbraHam)_______________Sara Nachor II_______________Malcha (wife daughter of Arrhan) Arrhan________Arrhan____Malcha II _____________ Lot______Jescha
These dwelt in Chanaan in the district of Charrhan (205 years Tharrha resided in Charrhan) God tells Abraham at 75 to leave Charrhan. A famine occurs and Abraham goes to Egypt with Sara. Abraham tells Sara to say he is her brother. So Pharaoh takes Sara for his wife, God inflicts severe curses over Pharaoh and his house because of Sara.
Abraham, Sara and Lot go back to a place between Baethel and Aggai by the Red Sea where he built an Altar to God.
Genesis 14:13 And it was said to Abram, Thou shalt surely know that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land not their won, and they shall enslave them, and afflict them, and humble them four hundred years. 14 And the nation whomsoever they shall serve I will judge; and after this, they shall come forth hither with much property. 15 But thou shalt depart to thy fathers in peace, nourished in a good old age. 16 And in the fourth generation they shall return hither, for the sins of the Amorites are not yet filled up, even until now. 17 And when the sun was about to set, there was a flame, and behold a smoking furnace and lamps of fire, which passed between these divided pieces. 18 In that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, To thy seed I will give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates. 19 The Kenites, and the Kenezites, and the Kedmoneans, 20 and the Chettites, and the Pherezites, and the Raphaim, 21 and the Amorites, and the Chananites, and the Evites, and the Gergesites, and the Jebusites.
So God tells Abraham about the enslavement and Exodus and that it would be 400 years, and in the fourth generation they will leave. This has to mean that the 4 generations was 100 years each.
So Agar AN EGYPTIAN concubine bears Abraham’s first Son! Ismael. Abraham was 86 years old. Interesting to note the Septuagint says that God told Abram his name would now be Abraam rather than AbraHam 100 and Sara would be called Sarrha 90. The 12 nations were given to Ismael by God. God tells Abraam to circumcise “8” year old boys, and curses non circumcised boys souls to be utterly destroyed from it’s family.
God and 2 angels visit Abraam and Sarrha to announce Isaac’s birth to Sara and that they will destroy Sodom and Gomorrha. (contradictory to God’s earlier promise)
From Adam to Cham is 24 generations x 25 = 600 years. In reality, there are multitudes of sons and daughters born, so there is really no way to tell how old Adam is other than to go by 24 generations. While in General, the Masoretic Theosophists go by 10 generations and 1656 years from Adam to Noe.
Biblical Masoretic Flood date; =2350 + 1656 = 4006.bC for Adam. or = 2350 + 600 = 2950.bC for Adam
Riven Flood 3925 + 600 = 4525 for Adam. (or 3640.bC)
That is according to 25 year generations, but God stated 100 year generations.
Thus; 2350 + 2400 = 4750.bC for Adam 3925 + 2400 = 6325.bC for Adam (5440.bC common)
Compare my 6482.bC date for the First Great Event. (157 years of darkness until Adam) This would have been the Second Garden of Avila in Tansania for Adam's birth. The biblical flood that comes later at 3925 did not include a re-creation because of the 8 on the Ark. Now we have at least 22 generations until the Tower of Babel or 550 years (25) or 2200 (100)years.
In the 9th Generation from Cham, Nebrod (Nimrod) builds Babylon or 225 years or 900 years. 10 Generations after the flood + 2 years, Abraam is born, but when Tharrha is 75. Thus 302 (25 + 52) years or 977 (100) years.
Evermore, the Father's ages of having a son from Sem to Tharrha are given in the Septuagint totalling 1277 years after the flood until Abraam's birth!
Masoretic 2350 - 1277 = 1073.bC for Abraham (quite absurd, but that's what the bible and masoretic hebrews are telling you!)
2350 - 302 = 2048.bC for Abraham (25 year generations) 2350 - 977 = 1373.bC for Abraham (100 year generations)
Riven flood 3925 = 3040 = 885 missing years. 3925 - 1277 = 2648.bC (1763 common) 3925 - 302 = 3623.bC (2738 common) 3925 - 977 = 2948.bC (2063 common)
9th Generation for Nebrod and Babylon Masoretic - 2350 - 225 = 2125.bC ________ - 2350 - 900 = 1450.bC
Riven___ - 3925 - 225 = 3700.bC (2815.bC) ________ - 3925 - 900 = 3025.bC (2140.bC)
What I notice is that prior to the flood, God's 100 year generations at 24 people appear acceptible to compliment my 6482.bC date for the First Flood and Re-Creation of Adam.
While after the Second flood, and as God stated prior to that flood, lifespans would be 120 years, we would then go by 25 year generations. This also compliments scientific and archaeological reports for Babylon and other city states arising around 3000.bC.
6482.bC - First Flood, 157 year period of darkness 6325.bC - Adam and Life Re-Created, Garden of Avila, Olkarien Gorge, Tansania 3925.bC - Second Flood of Noe, 8 people survive on Ark with Animals. (3040.bC common) 3700.bC - King Nebrod and Babylon city states (2815 common) 3623.bC - Abraham born (2738 common) 3572.bC – Joseph with Pharaoh Djoser (2687-2647.bC) 7 year famine and dream. Stele of Sehel 3473.bC – 400 year enslavement begins with Khufu 150 years after Abraham. (2588 common) Obviously due to Snoferu and Khufu murdering the Christ JASA in 3474.bC. (Philitis The Shepherd) 3375.bC - Tower of Babel in Plains of Senaar (2490 common) 3073.bC – Exodus occurs with Moses departing Egypt. (2188 common)
The First Garden of Leucippe, being on Atlantis Island, our old Middle Earth, some 10.5 million years ago for the First Man. The Island being a minimum of 150 million years old.
The Garden of Leucippe being behind the Hill of Cleito (Calypso) and The Royal City of Atlantis and visible in my Josephine Seamount map.
Paulo Riven Tribes of Atlantis Aug.26,2010 (8492.aJA) AeJor Mn Sword of Avila SaJaRa AeJon Mn our God Creator Papa and His Christian Cross written 5500 years ago on the Palermo Stone.
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Post subject: Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:12 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
Given that the evidence suggests modern generations as 25 years and God's generations as 100 years, we then have a 4:1 ratio, for 4 x 25 = 100.
Before the Flood of Noe (3925.bC or 3040.bC common)
Name_____Sire___Life_____Sire___Life (4:1 ratio)
Adam.........130......930_____32.5___232.5 Seth...........105.......912_____26.2___228 Enos............90.......905_____22.5___226.2 Cainan.........70.......910_____17.5___227.5 Malaleel.......65.......895_____16.2___223.7 Jared..........162.......962_____40.5___240.5 Henoch........65.......365_____16.2___91.25 Mathusala...187......969____46.7___242.2 Lamech......182.......777_____45.5___194.2 Noah......500.......600__950_125___150____237.5 (flood at 600/601 Noe living 350 from flood-950.
10 generations Total ......1,656....8,225_____388.8__2056.05__or___2143.55 Average__165.6__822.5_____38.8___205.6_________214.3
2 yrs After the Flood of Noe (Sem = 102 when Arphaxad born)
Sem_______100___600____25_____150 Arphaxad__135___535____33.7___133.7 Cainan____130___460_____32.5___115 Sala______130____460____32.5___115 Heber_____134____341____33.5____85.2 Phaleg____130____339____32.5____84.7 Ragau____132____339____33______84.7 Seruch____130____330____32.5____82.5 Nachor____179___303____44.7____75.7 Tharrha___75____280____18.7_____70 Abram____86____175____21.5_____43.7 Ismael____60?___137_____15?_____34.2___born to Abraam and the Egyptian maid, Agar. Isaac______60___180_____15______45____born to Abraam 100 (25) Sarrha 90 (22.5) Jacob/Esau_50?_147_____12.5_____36.7
14 generations Total_____1531__4626____382.6___1156.1 Average___109.3__330.4___27.3____82.5 _________________________________________ Ruben____Dan__Gad Simeon___Nepthalim__Aser Levi Juda Issachar Zabulon Dina (female) Joseph probably born to Jacob around 60 yrs of age. (15) Benjamin _____________________________________________ Abraham 99 (24.7) circumcised Ismael at 13.(3.2) The firstborn of Ismael, Nabaioth, and Kedar, and Nabdeel, and Massam, 14 and Masma, and Duma, and Masse, 15 and Choddan, and Thaeman, and Jetur, and Naphes, and Kedma. 16 These are the sons of Ismael, and these are their names in their tents and in their dwellings, twelve princes according to their nations. Esau at 40 (10) takes two wives Jacob serves Laban 14 years for Rachel plus 6 years for the Sheep totalling 20 years for his return to Isaac. Lea (Rachel's elder sister) bears to Jacob, Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Juda, Issachar, Zabulon and a Girl Dina. Balla (Rachel's maid) bears to Jacob, Dan, Nephthalim. Zelpha (Lea's maid) bears to Jacob, Gad, Aser. Rachel finally births Joseph after roughly 7 years since Lea. (Balla and Zelpha concurrently first 2 years) God names Jacob Israel (prevailed against God and mighty with men) Rachel dies after giving birth to Benjamin. Joseph sold to Egypt at 17 yrs of age. And Pharao called the name of Joseph, Psonthomphanech; and he gave him Aseneth, the daughter of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis, to wife. 46 And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharao, king of Egypt. Joseph has 2 sons, Manasse and Ephraim Jacob reunites with Joseph at 130 yrs of age, settles in Gesem province,17 yrs, city of Ramesses (Avaris). Dies at 147. Joseph dies at 110 yrs.
So from the Flood to Jacob is 382.6 years according to the 4:1 ratio generations total sire age divided by 14 = 382.6 years. 3925 - 382.6 = 3542.4.bC less 7 years until Joseph's birth = 3535.4 less 17 years for Joseph's sale to Egypt = 3518.4 (2633.4)
Once again we see that Joseph is right around Pharaoh Djoser ca.2647.bC. who had the 7 year famine dream.
In all probability, the flood date of 3925.bC (3040.bC) being close to accurate as the missing 885 years also appear based on our prior Christ JASA's murder of 3474.bC.(2589). Jasa, The Christian Cross, the 3 wise men, The Temple of Fire are all recorded on The Palermo Stone 5500 years ago.
Paulo Riven Tribes of Atlantis Aug 27/2010 8492.aJA.
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Post subject: Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:39 pm |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
The Exodus and Joseph by Paulo Riven. Interesting to note that Pharaoh Djoser is marked by RED ink in the Turin Canon, meaning some type of importance. We know that at 30 years of Age, Joseph was made Vizier to the King Djoser and that most likely when Djoser died, Joseph became Pharaoh as Djoser Teti (Sakhemkhet). At bottom is an interesting article about Sakhemkhet. No trace of this Pharaohs body being found or in his Sarcophagus, and one of the largest and oldest caches of gold and jewellery also found. His step Pyramid acclaimed to have been much larger than Djoser's had it been finished and provenancing that this Pharaoh Sakhemkhet as Joseph, was more highly regarded than Djoser as we know because he saved "the world" from famine. The death of Joseph at 110 years would also coincide as a successive ruler to Djoser. Dynasties 3-6 total 507 years. Dynasties 7/8/9 fell apart for a period of 141 years, which coincides with the mass populations of Exodus leaving Egypt. If you take Huni @ 2637 less 2181 for the end of Pepi II, that totals 456 years, which is around the 400 year enslavement as told by God to Abra'am. There is no doubt in my mind, nor can anyone change it, that Joseph was with Pharaoh Djoser and that the enslavement began with huni the wicked and climaxed through his son snoferu then khufu, djedefre, khafre, menkaure, etc. Where we know that those Pharaohs were cursed for some 150 years from at least huni to khafre, the wickedest ones. Herodotus stated 106 years of evils for the rules of khufu and khafre, where we see from huni to menkaure is 105 years only. To be expected considering the erroneous datings of Egyptian kings. There is no other period, other than the Hyksos rule, that shows so many curses, plagues, etc as those of the lineage of huni, the cannibal satanist of khaka upper Egyptian Pharaohs. We also know that since at least 2000.bC, migrations of Chananites settled in Gesem or the North East Delta Sinai districts of Pitho, (a southern district of Ramesses, perhaps Tharu), Ramesses (Avaris / Tanis / Hero'opolis) and further south westerly to On or Heliopolis. Cities that all predate 2000.bC but became focal around 1800.bC. The nations involved in the Exodus having built or added to these cities from their Egyptian origins. Heliopolis most likely being initiated ca.2700.bC to that of Khaka Raneb, Ra worship and the new Sun Temples and Solar Calendar. Generaly, I thought that Menkaure was the one to have been forgiven by God and allowed the Egyptian nations to leave with Moses, but we have little choice than to accept God's statement of 400 years of enslavement, as it was also a prophecy, and leads us into the 6th Dynasty from the end of the 3rd, or to Pepi II. The Hyksos, a mixture of Hebrews, Chananites and Hittites or Hattites, generally settling around 1700.bC, where after the Santorini, Thera destruction of 1628.bC as also testified to in the Tempest Stele, and crippling Egypt's Delta, the Sinai and the Levant along with the Aegean areas, the Hyksos alike the Mycenaens who "walked into" the Minoans, would also take over the Egyptians until 1550.bC. This is important, because the Exodus would have had to take place prior to the Hyksos, obviously since they also consisted of Hebrews or the destruction would have freed the people anyway. Old Kingdom 3rd Dynasty c.2688-2613 BCE Sanakhte (Nebka) (c.2688-2668) Djoser (Netjerikhet) (c.2668-2649)___________Joseph enters Egypt at 17 years of Age, made Vizier at 30. Sekhemkhet (Djoser Teti) (c.2649-2641)_______Pharaoh Joseph (dies at 110) Khaba (c.2641-2637) Huni (c.2637-2613) 4th Dynasty c.2613-2494 BCE Snofru (c.2613-2589) Khufu (Cheops) (c.2585-2566) Djedefre (c.2566-2558) Khafre (Rekhaf) (c.2558-2532) Menkaure (Mykerinos) (c.2532-2514) Shepseskaf (c.2514-2494) 5th Dynasty c.2494-2345 BCE Userkaf (c.2494-2487) Sahure (c.2487-2475) Neferirkare Userkhau (c.2475-2455) Shepseskare (c.2455-2448) Raneferef (c.2448-2445) Niuserre (c.2445-2421) Menkauhor (c.2421-2413) Djedkare (c.2413-2381) Unas (Wenis) (c.2381-2345) 6th Dynasty c.2345-2181 BCE Teti (c.2345-2313) Pepi I Meryre (c.2313-2279) Merenre (c.2279-2270) Pepi II Neferkare (c.2279-2181) First Intermediate Period c.2181-2040 BCE 7/8th Dynasty c.2181-2173 BCE Wadjkare Qakare Iby 9/10th Dynasty c.2160-2040 BCE Meryibre Kheti (Akhtoy) I Merykare Kanrferre Nebkaure Kheti (Akhtoy) II Wahkare Kheti (Akhtoy) III Merikare 11th Dynasty c.2133-1991 BCE Intef I (Inyotef I) Sehertawy (c.2133-2123) Intef II (Inyotef II) Wahankh (c.2123-2074) Intef III (Inyotef III) Nakhtnebtepnefer (c.2074-2066) Mentuhotep I ? (c.2066-2040) Middle Kingdom c.2040-1786 BCE 11th Dynasty (continued) Mentuhotep II Nebhepetre (c.2040-2010) Mentuhotep III Sankhkare (c.2010-1998) Mentuhotep IV Nebtawyre (c.1998-1991) 12th Dynasty c.1991-1786 BCE Amenemhet I Sehetepibre (c.1991-1962) Senusret I Kheperkare(c.1962-1917) Amenemhet II Nubkaure (c.1917-1882) Senusret II Khakhperre (c.1882-1878) Senusret III Khakaure (c.1878-1841) Amenemhet III Nimaatre (c.1841-1796) Amenemhet IV Maakherure (c.1796-1790) Queen Sobeknerfu Neferusobek (c.1790-1786) DJOSER-TETI (SAKHEMKHET) Son of Egypt? Savior of the World? Psonthomphanech? JOSEPH? Queen Djeseretnebti ( ASENET?) Horus Name Horus Sekhemkhet, "Horus, powerful of body" Nebty Name Djeseti-ankh Golden Horus Name unknown Praenomen Sekhemkhet "Powerful in Body" Nomen Djoser-ti, Iteti Manetho; Tyreis, Tyris, Tosortasis King Lists; Teti, Djoser-Teti, Djoser-ti, Djeser-Teti, Iteti Alternate Names; Horus-Sekhemkhet, Djoser-Teti, Sekhemkhet, Sechemchet, Horus-Sechemchet manetho reigned 19 years swelim reigned 16 years turin canon reigned 6 years (again with the biennial cattle counts) piccione 2667--2660 BCE egyptsite 2611--2603 BCE 2649--2643 BCE krauss 2700-2695 BCE von beckerath 2645-2638 BCE malek 2609-2603 BCE allen 2611-2605 BCE shaw & nicholson 2648-2640 BCE Succession Predecessor Netjerikhet Djoser, unknown relationship Successor Khaba, possibly the same as Sanakhte Associated People architect Imhotep queen Djeseretnebti Burial Place Unfinished Step Pyramid at Saqqara Monuments Step Pyramid at Saqqara Quote: Sekhemkhet is relatively unknown -- in fact, he was entirely unknown until his unfinished, buried pyramid in Saqqara was discovered in 1951. Aerial photographs of the area near Djoser's Step Pyramid showed another rectangular enclosure wall under the sands, which contained the remains of another step pyramid. it is unfinished -- only 1 1/2 steps are completed -- but it would have been an even larger pyramid than Djoser's had it been finished. It was possibly twice as high before work was abandoned, after which the site was used as a quarry for other buildings (as ar many of the monuments in Egypt).
The unfinished state of his pyramid is probably the result of a short reign, which the Turin canon gives to Djoser's successor. (but again, remember the problem with annual or biannual cattle counts, which makes most of the dates from contemporary sources difficult to interpret). With so short a time in office, the work on his funerary monuments was stopped when he died. A sealed and empty alabaster sarcophagus was found inside the chambers of the pyramid, but no trace of the mysterious Sekhemkhet was found.
The pyramid itself showed signs of great care and planning in it's design. The ground was carefully leveled and chambers under the foundation of the pyramid (132 storerooms) were connected, and the burial chamber carefully placed directly under the center of the pyramid. The floor in the main corridor leading into the pyramid was made of clay, and revealed hundreds of artifacts when it was excavated. Hundreds of smashed stone bowls, jewelry, and gold work. it is the oldest cache of golden jewelry found in Egypt.
The bowls revealed the inscription of Sekhemkhet -- and name previously unknown. Other inscriptions showed the inscription of Djoser-ti, which was then matched to the king lists as the successor of Djoser and linking the two names.
Of course, the greatest find was the sealed, intact sarcophagus. The alabaster sarcophagus had no lid -- it was sealed with a sliding panel at the foot, which has been closed and completely sealed. Many people believed it was an un-looted find, and a huge media extravaganza was begun when they planned to open it on 26 June 1954 by the archeologist responsible for the excavations, Zakaria Goneim.. The world press, prominent visitors, and other dignitaries were on-site to see the opening and (hopeful) revelation of the unknown king.
Nothing. It was empty. It is assumed that the site wa looted in antiquity and the coffin and burial chamber were repaired in the Late kingdom, which had a spurt of restoration work for older monuments. Zakaria Goneim committed suicide in 1959 -- perhaps out of embarrassment and frustration over his excavation work here.
TO the south of the unfinished pyramid, a small mastaba was found containing a wooden coffin with the body of a young (2-3 year old) child. This led to some speculation about Sekhemkhet, and whether this may have been a son. The only other attestations to this king is a relief of the king (as an adult) found in eh Sinai (Wadi Maghara), shown smiting his enemies with a mace. Source article for Sekhemket by Phouka.com; http://www.phouka.com/pharaoh/pharaoh/d ... mkhet.htmlSeptuagint Genesis 41:45 45 And Pharao called the name of Joseph, Psonthomphanech; and he gave him Aseneth, the daughter of Petephres, priest of Heliopolis, to wife. 46 And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharao, king of Egypt. 45 καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Φαραω τὸ ὄνομα Ιωσηφ Ψονθομφανηχ· καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ τὴν Ασεννεθ θυγατέρα Πετεφρη ἱερέως Ἡλίου πόλεως αὐτῷ γυναῖκα. 46 Ιωσηφ δὲ ἦν ἐτῶν τριάκοντα, ὅτε ἔστη ἐναντίον Φαραω βασιλέως Αἰγύπτου. Latin Vulgate (Perseus Tufts) [45] vertitque nomen illius et vocavit eum lingua aegyptiaca Salvatorem mundi dedit quoque illi uxorem Aseneth filiam Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos egressus itaque Ioseph ad terram Aegypti English Perseus Tufts of Latin Vulgate. [45] Pharaoh called Joseph's name Zaphenath-paneah; and he gave him Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera priest of On as a wife. Joseph went out over the land of Egypt. New Advent.org King James Version 45 And he turned his name, and called him in the Egyptian tongue the saviour of the world. And he gave him to wife Aseneth, the daughter of Putiphare, priest of Heliopolis. Then Joseph went out to the land of Egypt. 45 καὶ ἐκάλεσεν Φαραω τὸ ὄνομα Ιωσηφ Ψονθομφανηχ καὶ ἔδωκεν αὐτῷ τὴν Ασεννεθ θυγατέρα Πετεφρη ἱερέως Ἡλίου πόλεως αὐτῷ γυναῖκα 45 Vertitque nomen ejus, et vocavit eum, lingua ægyptiaca, Salvatorem mundi. Deditque illi uxorem Aseneth filiam Putiphare sacerdotis Heliopoleos. Egressus est itaque Joseph ad terram Ægypti Septuagint - Psonthomphanech (the correct name from the Greek) Latin Vulgate - Zaphenath-paneah (wrong name) Latin - Salvatorem Mundi King James - Saviour of the World Article by Paulo Riven Tribes of Atlantis Aug.27/2010 (8492.aJA)
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Post subject: Re: Who were the Pharaohs of The Exodus? Posted: Sat Aug 28, 2010 3:43 am |
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:33 pm Posts: 116
I did a little research into the name of sxm-Xt or Skm Kht. What exactly the vowels are, we can't be positive, for sA could also mean "son", aside of se. Generally, Sekhemkhet is thought to mean "Powerful of body", but we notice a few pharaohs prior that Semerkhet (smr-Xt) means "thoughtful friend". Where it could be Sa Mr Khet for "son-beloved-by all" Since xt also means pervading, spread, throughout. The closest definition for sxm-Xt or skm khet is "grey haired ruler over all". Or it could mean "Grey haired Son of a foreigner ruling over all" if we say sA-xm-xt Clearly we can make many identifications to Joseph. He was 30 at vizier and elderly when Djoser died to leave him as Pharaoh, where Joseph died at 110 yoa. He was a foreigner and also the seal bearer of the king He was made head governor, ruler, controller also. He was an important friend to the king and the Egyptian people. Alike the Pharaoh, most would probably have had to bow down before Joseph, even from their own gratitudes for saving them from the famine. Another interesting fact is that Manetho called him, Tyreis or Tyris, just like he was Djoser-Teti. Tyre of course being a name relative to Phoenicia with Tyre, Byblos and Sidon. tr in Egyptian also means, forsooth or soothsayer, that identifies Joseph as a "soothsayer" for Pharaohs 7 year famine dream. The fact that Sekhemkhet's body was not found in his tomb, or anywhere and very little is known of him, also testifies to Joseph being taken to the Double Cave of Ephron to be buried with his father and ancestors of Abraam and Sarrha. Sekhemkhet - sxm-Xt - Skhmkht Sa-Khem-Khet Psonthomphanech (I have yet to study how the Greeks arrive at this name and if it does mean "savior of the world".) xtm-khetem - seal sA = son km-black ktt - be small xm - khem-not know (son of an unkown) xt - khet-pervading,wood,fire,things xnms-khenemes - friend tr - forsooth (soothsayer) sxm - controll skm - grey haired xtmw-Xry-a - khetemu khirya-seal bearer of the king XAmi - bow down ka-soul His name is found on two rock reliefs at Wadi Maghara at Synai. Inscription on an ivory plate coming from area of Sekhemkhet’s pyramid contains a name that is variously interpreted by different scholars. N. Swelim believes it is the Nebti name and should be read as Djeseti-ankh. R. Stadelman in turn claims it is a name of queen Djesernebti-ankh while in opinion of W. Helck it is neme of queen Djeseretnebti. Incidently, when we look at these few images of Sekhemkhet, pay close attention to his false beard. Looks hebrew, wouldn't you say?   Article by Paulo Riven Tribes of Atlantis
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