It's All about The Sun and what it really means...Soloeis.
Just like after Atlantis Island fell they built the ancient City of Soloeis as preserved on Omer's maps of 800.bC. Soloeis was the Richat Structure, a mirror of Atlantis Royal City at Josephine. Then it moved to Tansania. That is why the Sun bursts at around 2:43 in my Pentatalion You Tube Video at PRECISELY when I say SOLOEIS! A reminder from the Spirits of Atlantis and God AMEN!
Atlantis was also mirrored in Egypt at Saqqara by the Twin Pyramids, Oval Canal and Twin Memnon Statues and Twin Lions.
This was preserved as AMenti Rosetau in the Am-Duat Egyptian legend of the Voyage of The Sun Ra. The field measures mentioned in the Am-Duat pointing precisely to my Josephine Location.
My previous Scrivening;
And One of those Sons has to swear testimony in this materia and find it,as the other in the immateria...see?.
Although, one murdered the other set Ablaze. See? The Balance? Jesus and Satan?
Michael VS Mica Hael with God's Army and the Keys of the Pit. Satan at war with it's inner Child...from God Amen...see?.
Satan didn't know the REAL BOY inside of him or what they did to him as a child...see?
For everything is of AMEN or God, just as all that resides within the black also is as and opposite of the white.
I know it's complicated but it's all real! Energy is real and transfers information. Wireless ring a bell?
That is why the Sword is two sided...to teach each of the 2 sons their truths by it's tip.
One touch.
The only way the Evil Son can fall is to discover it's truths. Thus truth destroys evil does it not? Legal system?
Just as the Good Son can only rise if he also finds his truths and his Papa.
Just as you have to go through the Son to find Papa, for the Son preserves Him as you do your own.
In the real of the unreal.
In the unreal,the 2 sons were returned, One JASA THE CHRIST RISEN the other SATAN THE PHIRESTONE FALLEN.
JOSE AND MICA HAEL, just like my two brothers Jose and Michael in this real world.
Wonder who it was that told Satan it's truths for us all to witness it's fall in Kenya?
How did Satan find out what they did to him as a young boy?
Someone must have told him. But who could possibly face satan?
One Galaxy, One Solar System of Earth, One Sun born, another Black Sun mirrored and born.
One Son born, another black son born on Earth. The Sa and The Za.
The Jasa and Micael who became Satan.
A Stain upon Planets and Galaxies.
All of;
(that is before the evil twos flattened our V with H-ercules and welded it to Hera's Iron Chains of Cain and A BaaL to make an H for HEAVANITY , Hell,harm,harlot,hatreds,humans,homes,hotels,hospitals,hostels,etc,etc...just as yaHweH is vanity of the greatest sins AGAINST OUR CREATOR AMEN.1.
For satan ZatHanel HatuptaH and PHaroaHs with PHoenicia. Masters of the H, thus Hebrews enslaving the Hellenics...see? CRITIAS = HEBREW JUDGES.
So if Jasa is the son then according to their phorked tongue of the zainai(sinai) and it's border neighbors, then satan is HaZa.
For they say hose for jose and ya for JA. Thus their lie of ya-HoWeH...see? An upside down M.PINNED BETWEEN TWO H’S, thus is evil backwards and upside down.
Like it's Mirror. The Z, the 26 or 8, the last letter drawn by an Egyptian Ankh in Linear A? Interesting how ironic that is for the Pharaohs who twisted Amen's Cross over and on top of itself to make an ankh for life to become live then evil.
The Iron Anchor Pin of Min. Egypt's First and Foremost True God.
That they changed to PTaH and you know the rest of the story of time by myself. If you've studied.
Avila or HavilaH see? Avila being the ancient name for Africa.
First Came the Light and JAO MN IS THAT LIGHT...with His WIFE MAEA.
In our Image. Period. UMANS of MN and WMN.
So it's like this.
AMEN - Papa, Master Creator, God of the Two Universes.
MAEA - God's Wife. Spirit and Life.
JASA - God's Son. The White Sun. One Sword of Time.
JASE - God's Daughter. The White Moon. One Rose of Time.
AveMore - Kingdom of The Light. The White Universe outside our Black Universe.
Creation - First Came The Light Then The Fire. The White Kingdom of Amen forms the black.
Amen's Light (Magic Wand), ignites an entire Galaxy to life. (I understand the basic principals and requirements to be able to do this)
Other linear light flashes sparkle the entire Universe to life. Like a raindrop hitting the ground or a joyous sparkler in your hand, so did Amen's light spark Galaxies to life.
That is why they wrote Eve as Life in the Original Septuagint. For Life came from God’s Wife…see? God Creates. 2 to Tango!
The Core of The Son of Amen. A Galaxy and it’s Center Igniter from the Cross of Amen.
Within the Galaxy other Suns (Sons/Planets/Daughters) are born upon the angel wing hairs of time.
Through the Sun (literally), planets and life are born.
The Two Geminii Sons are born for each planet with a Sword of Time.
Just as The Hidden Daughters are born with a Rose of Time.
Phaestos and Hephaestos in a sense or Jose and Michael...see?
Aprhodite or Venus, Calypso or Cleito, Leucippe or Neit.
That is part of the reason why the Son is before the Daughter or as God is before His Goddess.
The Light and The Suns...see?
Now every planet in the image of Amen or all those stars shining out their as each and every one of us smiling to each other like car lights on the freeways, have Umans of MN and WMN like Us and our race types. Obviously evolution and different race types show us how different we can look but strangely yet we all look alike.
For I look like every one of you regardless of color just as my Spirit can feel every one of your Spirits and physically feel your face or body type. At times.
Now the Balance of the Light and the Darkness are governed by the TWO Families.
God and his Geminii mirror Lord Phanes.(not his real name) Both Men of MN.
Amen Mn and Phanes Mn…Get it?
This I already taught you, for 1234 by the 5 is also the 6789 or opposite family to God's.
What happened was Micael, (Lord of Fire) or Lord Phanes’ Son fell from a grave sin inflicted upon the young boy. Micael became Mic-H-ael...see?
They flattened out his M and gave him an H for intense hatreds that they made him to be. Who they is exactly I'll have to wait to hear from Satan’s father (phater) himself and what his excuse was for not protecting his son or if he had anything to do with the ritual. In any case the benefit of the doubt merits the Law of Free Will upon Phanes Mn
Satan went throughout the entire Universe inflicting his wisdom of hatreds and hats. Satan was an extremely intelligent person and loved numbers. Thus the bible is full of number riddles. Ha ha.!
He was what he became but he didn't know from where or why or why they made him wear those funny Star of David sunglasses that blinded him from seeing the Suns.
Eventually or all at once, I'm not exactly sure, but Satan became 7 light years in size as Carina Nebula testifies to and that he had an hermaphrodite counterpart Sekhamet or The Black Cat which is reflected by The Wheel of The Cat in Golan Heights of Israel and their RuZe for Salems Witches..thus Jerusalem. A joke on JA as ya or a female counterpart like Je, such as Sa is Son and Se is Girl.
It is important to remember that just like our two suns, we are talking about two families here. They are Very Real in the Material world just as they are in the Immateria world.
And each of those families has a Son.
Who came from the Sun. The Balance and if one of those sons goes astray then the balance is upset. Contention or Contemtion. An M or an H?
Everything is Energy and Everything is Mirrored. A Quark an AntiQuark. A Neuron a Neuroff.
The TWO Spiritual Sons of Time are reflected by Two Material Sons of Time over the Aeons upon the Planets of Umans. They appear to coincide with our constellation cycle or around 2100 years.
In other words, two actual real Men are born for the Purpose of The Sword.
One of the Light One of The Dark. On Every Planet in Every Galaxy.
Since we know that Satan bothered other Galaxies and Planets and that he was a part of the core of time and creation itself, just as God's Son also is, then the Magic of God, The Lord Phanes, Creation and Time and the Geminii Secret all rests on those Two Sons.
JESUS and SATAN or JASA and HAZA or JOSE and MICHAEL for our planet....
...may be other names for other planets or even possibly the same.
Each Planet Bound by a Mystery of Time’s Sun.
THE MOST AMAZING THING IS THAT....this must involve the ENTIRE phukking UNIVERSE!!!
This is not only the Sword for our Planet but for ALL PLANETS AND GALAXIES!
I don't believe it! How can this be possible? It must be! It has to be according to logic, balance and wisdom! Why would God choose me to Balance the Entire Universe? I Know I'm His Son, but only on Atlantis Earth and in His Kingdom of Avemore.
Am I to believe that this is the actual Sword of Time Itself? I imagined the sword was only for our planet? Magicaly, I would imagine that it’s up to each Son of Each Planet to Rid their Planet by Solving The Mystery of it’s History. I am uncertain if it actually effects all planets but according to knowledge it seems to suggest that as Satan bothered other Galaxies then they should also know somehow? Or is the Magic only here?
Maybe all Sons are connected through the Matrixial Planes? Not sure how it actually works for other Planets but I have seen the Secrets of Carina, Cassiopeia and Orion and of other Life Forms alike Us and Different..somewhat for they all bleed.
Anyways, the Energy is focused upon the 2 sons for each planet and what those sons do with their Letter M's after they are Knighted by the Tip of The Sword and with Royal Crowns of 5 stars upon their heads.
Will they uphold their Pillars of V or Flatten the M to an H?
Get it? Actual physical men on planets or alike ours, jesus and micael who became micahael and damaged his M of MAN.
Why do you think they call us MAN or WOMAN or UMAN in the First place? One day you'll wake up.
Pay attention. These Physical Men are Connected through their Planets Sun to their Geminii Spiritual Counterparts.
For our Planet, One Son is Jesus, the other BECAME satan, but he was not born satan...important! duh uh! Both Connected Physically to the Sun.
So on Earth, The JASA's or The Christs are all connected to the REAL JASA or THE FIRST SON OF TIME.
Wizards or Luciphers become Satan’s Grist’s for that physical man who chooses to walk that path of Hollow Costs…right Baron Von Rothchild? For their was only One Satan as there is only One Real JASA. All else imitates.
We know of Philitis in 3474.bC and Jesus at Zero to our Calendars and here Am I today...2011.aD.
I AM connected through our Sun with our Real Christ...see? I am a Son of God but not the Real Christ, none of them are or have been for Pentatalion of years or nearly 5 trillion years for our Black Universe...but not the Aeternal White.
Some more gifted than others. Neither was Jesus the Real Christ but the embodiment of The Chosen JASA or God's Son for the Planet...see?
There is Only One Real JASA as there is Only One Real Creator AMEN.
Everything else imitates as I've mentioned before.
I do hope you’re with me so far, I know I could just explain it simpler, but the energy flows as it goes and we must learn to follow the energy.
EACH SON born PHYSICAL has to find himself in the SPIRITUAL.
Or simply, he has to find himself and the truth about his inner Child (Xild).
A man can be born the Christ and not know it, or satan's servant. He has to discover himself. Then he can decide or AGREE on what to do and how his decision will result in his outcome or his purpose and most importantly his fate or destiny of time.
Look, let's get serious, all the testimony and evidence upon myself tells me I am God's Son. Two physical Sunspots on my Shin or my face in a Garden 10,000 miles away from me and on Earth and the Law of 5 or Witnessing God’s Name on top of the Great Pyramid is enough for my understanding.
The Irony is I didn't know this until 44 years of age when I began researching Atlantis in 2003 at 42 from my Earth dad's whisper in my ear as a young man.
Then I found my truths as I did yours...see?
Now when I found my truths and who my Family Really Is of MN…
......The Previous Christ's, through Jesus and to Jasa (philitis) woke up in Carina Nebula as the hubble space telescope photo shows us and Christ Arose, then I physically testified to Amen my Will for Him as I also testified to Satan the will of what they did to him.
Believe it or not, Satan had feelings. Sadly they had dead ends tho if you get my drift for the curse upon him. Hannibal lecture you could say to silence the lamb of God…get it?
And I understood the Evil families and why they became Evil from the Darkness where they like to hide. For cowards know not valor.
And I understood Satan’s father Phanes and of how he missed his Son as Amen also misses His Sons and they await the return of their sons..
Just like you await the return of your Children...
that is until those ZMO asshumpers send them off to phony wars of Phoenician Masons!!!
I wanted to know the truth and for everyone to know their truths, for...
...the further away you are from the Garden of Your Origins the Closer to a great lie you become....
…eventually you'll have a phorked tongue like them if you get any farther...or is that father?
Thus they forgot Amen or were led astray from Amen and His Garden...See?
Languages, people everything changed, especially since our Orion Intervention!
But I found AMEN and HIS NAME and OUR FAMILY NAME and what the M stands for.
Or the U like Linear A for UA or MOST HIGH! The Risen Arms of U!
For you see the reality of the Sword and the Sang Real or Holy Grail is that they are Real...
In the Immateria World connected to the Materia World.

The Beauty of Us. The Beauty of Balance.
And Atlantis Royal City even Arose for the Risen Land of Umans.
500 miles before Gibraltar Strait.
Imagine that!
Real Magic.
The Magic Was My Love.

Papa Creates Mama Breathes Spirit.
Spirit is Sustenance.
It's the best Bio-Genetical Food out there! SO the Spirit of Myself and as my last name of MENESES, your Foremost of Antiquity, alive here and today, (including the Universes The Twins of MN.)
Was neither VANITY for the GOOD nor the EVIL although I know My Will is For AMEN or JAO MN or JOHN MENESES if you like to get personal with God...
I was not alike The Christ professing Good and Hating Evil.
I was not alike The Heir of Phire professing Evil and Hating Good.
I AM The Master of The Serpents.
And Both Were Told their Stories that unlocked the Sword From The Stone.
Not a feather of Anubis to tip the Scales of Selfishness.
Thus I Conquered All!
And All Is Witnessed by You Visually, Spiritually and Intellectually researched.
I talk the talk and walk the walk.

Tell it Like it is!
Foremost of God's Island that Rose at Josephine in Amenti Roseta Atlantis.
Our First Garden of Creation before Avila or Africa.
In the Immateria connected through our Sun.
For Everything is of the Suns of AMEN.
Think about it...both prior Sons, Jose (Jesus) and Jasa were murdered...to empower Satan and H-ide you from God.
If they murder me it would be for their own vanities and hatreds such as they are inbred with…and because I told you your truths and God Amen they cannot hide anymore.
Nothing they do to me can alter the Fabric of Time that is Sealed By Amen.
For even Satan’s Father Phanes The Lord of Darkeness...Owes Me a Favor.
For Returning Micael...the Lord of The Phirestone to his rightful throne.
Satan's Phater I saw both Spiritually and Physically upon this Earth and face to face. Nov.7/2007. He was speechless and could only mumble for a cigarette. Then disappeared as he appeared. Both white and black was he, but appeared as a black man with white hair. Physicaly he can change his skin from white to black.
Amazing Man. Humble but Classy with flames in his pupils. In the spiritual world he looks like Ebeneeza Scrooge just as God can appear as a Lion Face in The Sun.
Secrets of Time.
The Geminii Secret.
The Twins of Time.
10 Twin Kings of Atlantis and Evanor...The Jasa.
The Cross of 5.
The Circle of Amen.
The Abu Symbel Temple.

Atlantis is Risen!

We Are The Children of The Light just like all those STars out there! Everyone alive! A Uman!
Eat it up!
Or was that Suck it up! ha ha!